C# Class Microsoft.Phone.Controls.TurnstileFeatherEffect

Provides attached properties to feather FrameworkElements in and out during page transitions. The result is a 'turnstile feather' effect added to the select elements.
Inheritance: System.Windows.DependencyObject
Mostrar archivo Open project: Kinnara/WPToolkit Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
FeatheringIndexProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty

Private Methods

Method Description
CheckForTypePermission ( object obj ) : void

Throws an exception if the object sent as parameter is of a type that is included in the list of non-permitted types.

ComposeBackwardInStoryboard ( System.Windows.Media.Animation.Storyboard storyboard ) : void

Adds a set of animations corresponding to the turnstile feather backward in effect.

ComposeBackwardOutStoryboard ( System.Windows.Media.Animation.Storyboard storyboard ) : void

Adds a set of animations corresponding to the turnstile feather backward out effect.

ComposeForwardInStoryboard ( System.Windows.Media.Animation.Storyboard storyboard ) : void

Adds a set of animations corresponding to the turnstile feather forward in effect.

ComposeForwardOutStoryboard ( System.Windows.Media.Animation.Storyboard storyboard ) : void

Adds a set of animations corresponding to the turnstile feather forward out effect.

ComposeStoryboard ( System.Windows.Media.Animation.Storyboard storyboard, System.TimeSpan beginTime, TurnstileFeatherTransitionMode mode ) : void

Adds a set of animations corresponding to the turnstile feather effect.

GetFeatheringIndex ( DependencyObject obj ) : int
GetHasEventsAttached ( DependencyObject obj ) : bool

Gets whether the specified dependency object has events attached to it or not.

GetIsSubscribed ( DependencyObject obj ) : bool

Gets whether the specified dependency object is subscribed to the private manager or not.

GetOriginalOpacity ( DependencyObject obj ) : double

Gets the original opacity of the specified dependency object before the turnstile feather effect is applied to it.

GetOriginalProjection ( DependencyObject obj ) : Projection

Gets the original projection of the specified dependency object after the projection needed to apply the turnstile feather effect has been attached to it.

GetOriginalRenderTransform ( DependencyObject obj ) : Transform

Gets the original render transform of the specified dependency object after the transform needed to apply the turnstile feather effect has been attached to it.

GetParentPage ( DependencyObject obj ) : PhoneApplicationPage

Gets the parent page of the specified dependency object.

GetTargetsToAnimate ( ) : IList

Returns the set of weak references to the items that must be animated.

IsOnScreen ( FrameworkElement element ) : bool

Indicates whether the specified framework element is within the bounds of the application's root visual.

OnFeatheringIndexPropertyChanged ( DependencyObject obj, System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Subscribes an element to the private manager.

OnParentPagePropertyChanged ( DependencyObject obj, System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Manages subscription to a page.

RestoreProjectionsAndTransforms ( ) : void

Restores the original projection and render transform of the targeted framework elements.

SetFeatheringIndex ( DependencyObject obj, int value ) : void
SetHasEventsAttached ( DependencyObject obj, bool value ) : void

Sets whether the specified dependency object has events attached to it or not.

SetIsSubscribed ( DependencyObject obj, bool value ) : void

Sets whether the specified dependency object is subscribed to the private manager or not.

SetOriginalOpacity ( DependencyObject obj, double value ) : void

Sets the original opacity of the specified dependency object.

SetOriginalProjection ( DependencyObject obj, Projection value ) : void

Sets the original projection of the specified dependency object.

SetOriginalRenderTransform ( DependencyObject obj, Transform value ) : void

Sets the original render transform of the specified dependency object.

SetParentPage ( DependencyObject obj, PhoneApplicationPage value ) : void

Sets the parent page of the specified dependency object.

SortReferencesByIndex ( WeakReference x, WeakReference y ) : int

Compares two weak references targeting dependency objects to sort them based on their feathering index.

SubscribeFrameworkElement ( FrameworkElement target ) : void

Subscribes an element to the private managers.

Target_SizeChanged ( object sender, System.Windows.SizeChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Called when an element gets resized.

Ideally, the Loaded event should be handled instead of the SizeChanged event. However, the Loaded event does not occur by the time the TransitionFrame tries to animate a forward in transition. Handling the SizeChanged event instead guarantees that the newly created FrameworkElements can be subscribed in time before the transition begins.

Target_Unloaded ( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e ) : void

Called when an element gets unloaded.

TryAttachProjectionAndTransform ( PhoneApplicationFrame root, FrameworkElement element ) : bool

Prepares a framework element to be feathered by adding a plane projection and a composite transform to it.

UnsubscribeFrameworkElement ( FrameworkElement target ) : void

Unsubscribes an element from the private manager.

Property Details

FeatheringIndexProperty public_oe static_oe property

Identifies the feathering index of the current element, which represents its place in the feathering order sequence.
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows FeatheringIndexProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty