C# Class Microsoft.DocAsCode.FileMapping

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Public Methods

Method Description
Add ( Microsoft.DocAsCode.FileMappingItem item ) : void

Should not merge FileMappingItems even if they are using the same name, because other propertes also matters, e.g. src, exclude.

FileMapping ( ) : System
FileMapping ( Microsoft.DocAsCode.FileMappingItem item ) : System
FileMapping ( IEnumerable items ) : System

Method Details

Add() public method

Should not merge FileMappingItems even if they are using the same name, because other propertes also matters, e.g. src, exclude.
public Add ( Microsoft.DocAsCode.FileMappingItem item ) : void
item Microsoft.DocAsCode.FileMappingItem
return void

FileMapping() public method

public FileMapping ( ) : System
return System

FileMapping() public method

public FileMapping ( Microsoft.DocAsCode.FileMappingItem item ) : System
item Microsoft.DocAsCode.FileMappingItem
return System

FileMapping() public method

public FileMapping ( IEnumerable items ) : System
items IEnumerable
return System