C# Class Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Models.AzureEnvironment

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Public Methods

Method Description
AzureEnvironment ( ) : System
GetEndpoint ( AzureEnvironment endpoint ) : string
GetEndpointAsUri ( AzureEnvironment endpoint ) : Uri
GetEndpointSuffix ( AzureEnvironment endpointSuffix ) : string
GetManagementPortalUrlWithRealm ( string realm = null ) : string

Gets the management portal URI with a particular realm suffix if supplied

GetPublishSettingsFileUrlWithRealm ( string realm = null ) : string

Get the publish settings file download url with a realm suffix if needed.

GetStorageBlobEndpoint ( string accountName, bool useHttps = true ) : Uri

Gets the endpoint for storage blob.

GetStorageFileEndpoint ( string accountName, bool useHttps = true ) : Uri

Gets the endpoint for storage file.

GetStorageQueueEndpoint ( string accountName, bool useHttps = true ) : Uri

Gets the endpoint for storage queue.

GetStorageTableEndpoint ( string accountName, bool useHttps = true ) : Uri

Gets the endpoint for storage table.

GetTokenAudience ( AzureEnvironment targetEndpoint ) : AzureEnvironment.Endpoint
IsEndpointSet ( AzureEnvironment endpoint ) : bool
IsEndpointSetToValue ( AzureEnvironment endpoint, string url ) : bool

Private Methods

Method Description
EndpointFormatFor ( string service ) : string
StorageBlobEndpointFormat ( ) : string

The storage service blob endpoint format.

StorageFileEndpointFormat ( ) : string

The storage service file endpoint format.

StorageQueueEndpointFormat ( ) : string

The storage service queue endpoint format.

StorageTableEndpointFormat ( ) : string

The storage service table endpoint format.

Method Details

AzureEnvironment() public method

public AzureEnvironment ( ) : System
return System

GetEndpoint() public method

public GetEndpoint ( AzureEnvironment endpoint ) : string
endpoint AzureEnvironment
return string

GetEndpointAsUri() public method

public GetEndpointAsUri ( AzureEnvironment endpoint ) : Uri
endpoint AzureEnvironment
return System.Uri

GetEndpointSuffix() public method

public GetEndpointSuffix ( AzureEnvironment endpointSuffix ) : string
endpointSuffix AzureEnvironment
return string

GetManagementPortalUrlWithRealm() public method

Gets the management portal URI with a particular realm suffix if supplied
public GetManagementPortalUrlWithRealm ( string realm = null ) : string
realm string Realm for user's account
return string

GetPublishSettingsFileUrlWithRealm() public method

Get the publish settings file download url with a realm suffix if needed.
public GetPublishSettingsFileUrlWithRealm ( string realm = null ) : string
realm string Realm for user's account
return string

GetStorageBlobEndpoint() public method

Gets the endpoint for storage blob.
public GetStorageBlobEndpoint ( string accountName, bool useHttps = true ) : Uri
accountName string The account name
useHttps bool Use Https when creating the URI. Defaults to true.
return System.Uri

GetStorageFileEndpoint() public method

Gets the endpoint for storage file.
public GetStorageFileEndpoint ( string accountName, bool useHttps = true ) : Uri
accountName string The account name
useHttps bool Use Https when creating the URI. Defaults to true.
return System.Uri

GetStorageQueueEndpoint() public method

Gets the endpoint for storage queue.
public GetStorageQueueEndpoint ( string accountName, bool useHttps = true ) : Uri
accountName string The account name
useHttps bool Use Https when creating the URI. Defaults to true.
return System.Uri

GetStorageTableEndpoint() public method

Gets the endpoint for storage table.
public GetStorageTableEndpoint ( string accountName, bool useHttps = true ) : Uri
accountName string The account name
useHttps bool Use Https when creating the URI. Defaults to true.
return System.Uri

GetTokenAudience() public method

public GetTokenAudience ( AzureEnvironment targetEndpoint ) : AzureEnvironment.Endpoint
targetEndpoint AzureEnvironment
return AzureEnvironment.Endpoint

IsEndpointSet() public method

public IsEndpointSet ( AzureEnvironment endpoint ) : bool
endpoint AzureEnvironment
return bool

IsEndpointSetToValue() public method

public IsEndpointSetToValue ( AzureEnvironment endpoint, string url ) : bool
endpoint AzureEnvironment
url string
return bool