C# Class MediaAppSample.Core.Services.NavigationManagerBase

Base class for accessing navigation services on the platform currently executing.
Inheritance: ServiceBase
Mostrar archivo Open project: Microsoft/TVHelpers

Public Methods

Method Description
About ( ) : void
AccountForgot ( object parameter = null ) : void
AccountSignin ( object parameter = null ) : void
AccountSignup ( object parameter = null ) : void
CanGoBack ( ) : bool

Indicates whether or not a back navigation can occur. Will also check to see if the frame contains a WebView and if the WebView can go back as well.

CanGoForward ( ) : bool

Indicates whether or not a forward navigation can occur. Will also check to see if the frame contains a WebView and if the WebView can go forward as well.

ClearBackstack ( ) : void

Clears the navigation backstack of the window.

Details ( object parameter ) : void
Exit ( ) : void

Exits an application.

GoBack ( ) : bool

Navigates back one page. Will also check to see if the frame contains a WebView and if the WebView can go back, it will perform back on that WebView instead.

GoForward ( ) : bool

Navigates forward one page. Will also check to see if the frame contains a WebView and if the WebView can go forward, it will perform forward on that WebView instead.

HandleActivation ( IActivatedEventArgs e, Frame rootFrame ) : void

Handle activation of the event and any navigation necessary.

Home ( object parameter = null ) : void
Media ( object parameter ) : void
Movies ( ) : void
NavigateTo ( NavigationRequest request ) : void

Navigates to a page specified in the navigation request object.

NavigateTo ( object model ) : void
NavigateToWebBrowser ( string webAddress ) : void

Navigates to an external web browser.

NavigateToWebView ( string webAddress ) : void

Navigates to an internal app web browser.

PrivacyPolicy ( ) : void
Queue ( ) : void
RateApplicationAsync ( ) : Task
RemovePreviousPage ( ) : void

Removes the previous page in the navigation backstack.

Search ( object parameter = null ) : void
SendEmailAsync ( string subject, string body, string toRecipient ) : Task

Send an e-mail.

SendEmailAsync ( string subject, string body, string toRecipients, string ccRecipients = null ) : Task

Send an e-mail.

SendEmailAsync ( string subject, string body, string toRecipients, string ccRecipients, string bccRecipients ) : Task

Send an e-mail.

Settings ( object parameter = null ) : void
TV ( ) : void
TermsOfService ( ) : void
UpdateTitleBarBackButton ( ) : void

Updates the navigate back button in the app window's title bar.

Welcome ( object parameter = null ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
CreateFrame ( ) : Frame
Initialize ( ) : void

Initialization logic which is called on launch of this application.

OnActivation ( LaunchActivatedEventArgs e ) : bool
OnActivation ( ProtocolActivatedEventArgs e ) : bool
OnActivation ( ToastNotificationActivatedEventArgs e ) : bool
OnActivation ( VoiceCommandActivatedEventArgs e ) : bool
SerializeParameter ( object obj ) : object

Serializes a parameter to string if not a primitive type so that app suspension can properly happen.

WebView ( object parameter ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
CoreDispatcher_AcceleratorKeyActivated ( CoreDispatcher sender, AcceleratorKeyEventArgs e ) : void

Invoked on every keystroke, including system keys such as Alt key combinations, when this page is active and occupies the entire window. Used to detect keyboard navigation between pages even when the page itself doesn't have focus.

CoreWindow_PointerPressed ( CoreWindow sender, PointerEventArgs e ) : void

Invoked on every mouse click, touch screen tap, or equivalent interaction when this page is active and occupies the entire window. Used to detect browser-style next and previous mouse button clicks to navigate between pages.

HardwareButtons_BackPressed ( object sender, Windows e ) : void

Invoked when the hardware back button is pressed. For Windows Phone only.

NavigateToWeb ( string webAddress, bool showExternally ) : void
RegisterCoreWindow ( ) : void

Registers the window with all window events.

ViewBase_BackRequested ( object sender, BackRequestedEventArgs e ) : void
ViewModelAllowGoBack ( Frame frame ) : bool

Checks a ViewModels to see if it will allow a nagivation back.

ViewModelAllowGoForward ( Frame frame ) : bool

Checks a ViewModels to see if it will allow a nagivation forward.

Method Details

About() public method

public About ( ) : void
return void

AccountForgot() public abstract method

public abstract AccountForgot ( object parameter = null ) : void
parameter object
return void

AccountSignin() public abstract method

public abstract AccountSignin ( object parameter = null ) : void
parameter object
return void

AccountSignup() public abstract method

public abstract AccountSignup ( object parameter = null ) : void
parameter object
return void

CanGoBack() public method

Indicates whether or not a back navigation can occur. Will also check to see if the frame contains a WebView and if the WebView can go back as well.
public CanGoBack ( ) : bool
return bool

CanGoForward() public method

Indicates whether or not a forward navigation can occur. Will also check to see if the frame contains a WebView and if the WebView can go forward as well.
public CanGoForward ( ) : bool
return bool

ClearBackstack() public method

Clears the navigation backstack of the window.
public ClearBackstack ( ) : void
return void

CreateFrame() protected abstract method

protected abstract CreateFrame ( ) : Frame
return Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Frame

Details() public abstract method

public abstract Details ( object parameter ) : void
parameter object
return void

Exit() public method

Exits an application.
public Exit ( ) : void
return void

GoBack() public method

Navigates back one page. Will also check to see if the frame contains a WebView and if the WebView can go back, it will perform back on that WebView instead.
public GoBack ( ) : bool
return bool

GoForward() public method

Navigates forward one page. Will also check to see if the frame contains a WebView and if the WebView can go forward, it will perform forward on that WebView instead.
public GoForward ( ) : bool
return bool

HandleActivation() public method

Handle activation of the event and any navigation necessary.
public HandleActivation ( IActivatedEventArgs e, Frame rootFrame ) : void
e IActivatedEventArgs Activation args.
rootFrame Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Frame Root frame of the app.
return void

Home() public abstract method

public abstract Home ( object parameter = null ) : void
parameter object
return void

Initialize() protected method

Initialization logic which is called on launch of this application.
protected Initialize ( ) : void
return void

Media() public abstract method

public abstract Media ( object parameter ) : void
parameter object
return void

Movies() public abstract method

public abstract Movies ( ) : void
return void

NavigateTo() public method

Navigates to a page specified in the navigation request object.
public NavigateTo ( NavigationRequest request ) : void
request NavigationRequest Request object instance.
return void

NavigateTo() public abstract method

public abstract NavigateTo ( object model ) : void
model object
return void

NavigateToWebBrowser() public method

Navigates to an external web browser.
public NavigateToWebBrowser ( string webAddress ) : void
webAddress string URL to navigate to.
return void

NavigateToWebView() public method

Navigates to an internal app web browser.
public NavigateToWebView ( string webAddress ) : void
webAddress string URL to navigate to.
return void

OnActivation() protected abstract method

protected abstract OnActivation ( LaunchActivatedEventArgs e ) : bool
e Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.LaunchActivatedEventArgs
return bool

OnActivation() protected abstract method

protected abstract OnActivation ( ProtocolActivatedEventArgs e ) : bool
e Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.ProtocolActivatedEventArgs
return bool

OnActivation() protected abstract method

protected abstract OnActivation ( ToastNotificationActivatedEventArgs e ) : bool
e ToastNotificationActivatedEventArgs
return bool

OnActivation() protected abstract method

protected abstract OnActivation ( VoiceCommandActivatedEventArgs e ) : bool
e VoiceCommandActivatedEventArgs
return bool

PrivacyPolicy() public method

public PrivacyPolicy ( ) : void
return void

Queue() public abstract method

public abstract Queue ( ) : void
return void

RateApplicationAsync() public method

public RateApplicationAsync ( ) : Task
return Task

RemovePreviousPage() public method

Removes the previous page in the navigation backstack.
public RemovePreviousPage ( ) : void
return void

Search() public abstract method

public abstract Search ( object parameter = null ) : void
parameter object
return void

SendEmailAsync() public method

Send an e-mail.
public SendEmailAsync ( string subject, string body, string toRecipient ) : Task
subject string Subject of the message
body string Body of the message
toRecipient string
return Task

SendEmailAsync() public method

Send an e-mail.
public SendEmailAsync ( string subject, string body, string toRecipients, string ccRecipients = null ) : Task
subject string Subject of the message
body string Body of the message
toRecipients string To recipients
ccRecipients string CC recipients
return Task

SendEmailAsync() public method

Send an e-mail.
public SendEmailAsync ( string subject, string body, string toRecipients, string ccRecipients, string bccRecipients ) : Task
subject string Subject of the message
body string Body of the message
toRecipients string To recipients
ccRecipients string CC recipients
bccRecipients string BCC recipients
return Task

SerializeParameter() protected method

Serializes a parameter to string if not a primitive type so that app suspension can properly happen.
protected SerializeParameter ( object obj ) : object
obj object Parameter object to serialize.
return object

Settings() public abstract method

public abstract Settings ( object parameter = null ) : void
parameter object
return void

TV() public abstract method

public abstract TV ( ) : void
return void

TermsOfService() public method

public TermsOfService ( ) : void
return void

UpdateTitleBarBackButton() public method

Updates the navigate back button in the app window's title bar.
public UpdateTitleBarBackButton ( ) : void
return void

WebView() protected abstract method

protected abstract WebView ( object parameter ) : void
parameter object
return void

Welcome() public abstract method

public abstract Welcome ( object parameter = null ) : void
parameter object
return void