C# Class MapAround.DataProviders.SpatialDataProviderBase

Maparound.DataProviders.SpatialDataProviderBase is the base class for the spatial data providers.
Inheritance: ISpatialDataProvider
Mostrar archivo Open project: gkrsu/maparound.core

Public Methods

Method Description
FillFromCache ( IFeatureCollectionCacheAccessor cacheAccessor, IFeatureReceiver fr, BoundingRectangle bounds, bool processAttributes ) : int

Adds the features retrieved from cache to the receiver.

QueryFeatures ( IFeatureReceiver receiver ) : int

Adds the features retrieved from data source to the receiver.

QueryFeatures ( IFeatureReceiver receiver, BoundingRectangle bounds ) : int

Adds the features retrieved from data source to the receiver.

Protected Methods

Method Description
FeatureFromSpatialDataBytes ( byte bytes ) : Feature

Construct a feature from its binary representation.

SpatialDataBytesFromFeature ( Feature feature ) : byte[]

Gets a binary representation of the feature geometry.

Private Methods

Method Description
readInt ( Stream stream ) : int
writeInt ( Stream stream, int value ) : void

Method Details

FeatureFromSpatialDataBytes() protected method

Construct a feature from its binary representation.
protected FeatureFromSpatialDataBytes ( byte bytes ) : Feature
bytes byte Byte array that contains binary representation of feature geometry
return Feature

FillFromCache() public static method

Adds the features retrieved from cache to the receiver.
public static FillFromCache ( IFeatureCollectionCacheAccessor cacheAccessor, IFeatureReceiver fr, BoundingRectangle bounds, bool processAttributes ) : int
cacheAccessor IFeatureCollectionCacheAccessor Cache accessor instance
fr IFeatureReceiver An object that receives the retrieved features
bounds BoundingRectangle Rectangle that defines a query region
processAttributes bool A value indicating whether the attributes will be processed or not
return int

QueryFeatures() public abstract method

Adds the features retrieved from data source to the receiver.
public abstract QueryFeatures ( IFeatureReceiver receiver ) : int
receiver IFeatureReceiver An object that receives features
return int

QueryFeatures() public abstract method

Adds the features retrieved from data source to the receiver.
public abstract QueryFeatures ( IFeatureReceiver receiver, BoundingRectangle bounds ) : int
receiver IFeatureReceiver An object that receives features
bounds BoundingRectangle Rectangular region you want to fill with the objects
return int

SpatialDataBytesFromFeature() protected method

Gets a binary representation of the feature geometry.
protected SpatialDataBytesFromFeature ( Feature feature ) : byte[]
feature Feature Feature
return byte[]