C# Class Magician.Presenters.ConnectPresenter

Mostrar archivo Open project: gotdibbs/magician Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AttachEvents ( ) : void
ConnectPresenter ( ConnectWindow view ) : System

Private Methods

Method Description
CrmLoginCtrl_ConnectErrorEvent ( object sender, ConnectErrorEventArgs e ) : void

Login control Error event.

CrmLoginCtrl_ConnectionCheckBegining ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Login control connect check starting.

CrmLoginCtrl_ConnectionStatusEvent ( object sender, ConnectStatusEventArgs e ) : void

Login control connect check status event.

CrmLoginCtrl_UserCancelClicked ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Login Control Cancel event raised.

ProcessSuccess ( ) : void

This raises and processes Success

Window_Loaded ( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e ) : void

Raised when the window loads for the first time.

mgr_ConnectionCheckComplete ( object sender, ServerConnectStatusEventArgs e ) : void

Complete Event from the Auto Login process

mgr_ServerConnectionStatusUpdate ( object sender, ServerConnectStatusEventArgs e ) : void

Updates from the Auto Login process.

Method Details

AttachEvents() public method

public AttachEvents ( ) : void
return void

ConnectPresenter() public method

public ConnectPresenter ( ConnectWindow view ) : System
view Magician.Connect.Views.ConnectWindow
return System