C# Class MBC.Shared.Attributes.AcademicInfoAttribute

Provides information about the academic information of a Controller's developer at the time of development.
Inheritance: ControllerAttribute
Mostrar archivo Open project: aiclub/Mohawk_Battleship Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
CurrentYear int
Institution string
Program string

Public Methods

Method Description
AcademicInfoAttribute ( string school, string program, int year ) : System

Stores all of the parameters.

Method Details

AcademicInfoAttribute() public method

Stores all of the parameters.
public AcademicInfoAttribute ( string school, string program, int year ) : System
school string Sets the .
program string Sets the .
year int Sets the .
return System

Property Details

CurrentYear public_oe property

The program year of the student.
public int CurrentYear
return int

Institution public_oe property

The institution the student has attended.
public string Institution
return string

Program public_oe property

The program the student has been enrolled in.
public string Program
return string