C# Class MAPIInspector.Parsers.RopGetValidAttachmentsRequest

A class indicates the RopGetValidAttachments ROP reqeust Buffer.
Inheritance: MAPIInspector.Parsers.BaseStructure
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
InputHandleIndex byte
LogonId byte
RopId RopIdType

Public Methods

Method Description
Parse ( Stream s ) : void

Parse the RopGetValidAttachmentsRequest structure.

Method Details

Parse() public method

Parse the RopGetValidAttachmentsRequest structure.
public Parse ( Stream s ) : void
s Stream An stream containing RopGetValidAttachmentsRequest structure
return void

Property Details

InputHandleIndex public_oe property

public byte InputHandleIndex
return byte

LogonId public_oe property

public byte LogonId
return byte

RopId public_oe property

public RopIdType RopId
return RopIdType