C# Class Lucene.Net.Documents.BinaryDocValuesField

Field that stores a per-document BytesRef value.

The values are stored directly with no sharing, which is a good fit when the fields don't share (many) values, such as a title field. If values may be shared and sorted it's better to use SortedDocValuesField. Here's an example usage:

 document.add(new BinaryDocValuesField(name, new BytesRef("hello"))); 

If you also need to store the value, you should add a separate StoredField instance.

Inheritance: Field
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
fType FieldType

Public Methods

Method Description
BinaryDocValuesField ( string name, BytesRef value ) : Lucene.Net.Index

Create a new binary DocValues field.

Private Methods

Method Description
BinaryDocValuesField ( ) : Lucene.Net.Index

Method Details

BinaryDocValuesField() public method

Create a new binary DocValues field.
if the field name is null
public BinaryDocValuesField ( string name, BytesRef value ) : Lucene.Net.Index
name string field name
value BytesRef binary content
return Lucene.Net.Index

Property Details

fType public_oe static_oe property

Type for straight bytes DocValues.
public static FieldType,Lucene.Net.Documents fType
return FieldType