C# Class Lucene.Net.Analysis.Miscellaneous.StemmerOverrideFilter

Provides the ability to override any KeywordAttribute aware stemmer with custom dictionary-based stemming.
Inheritance: TokenFilter
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Public Methods

Method Description
IncrementToken ( ) : bool
StemmerOverrideFilter ( TokenStream input, StemmerOverrideMap stemmerOverrideMap ) : System.Collections.Generic

Create a new StemmerOverrideFilter, performing dictionary-based stemming with the provided dictionary.

Any dictionary-stemmed terms will be marked with KeywordAttribute so that they will not be stemmed with stemmers down the chain.

Method Details

IncrementToken() public method

public IncrementToken ( ) : bool
return bool

StemmerOverrideFilter() public method

Create a new StemmerOverrideFilter, performing dictionary-based stemming with the provided dictionary.

Any dictionary-stemmed terms will be marked with KeywordAttribute so that they will not be stemmed with stemmers down the chain.

public StemmerOverrideFilter ( TokenStream input, StemmerOverrideMap stemmerOverrideMap ) : System.Collections.Generic
input TokenStream
stemmerOverrideMap StemmerOverrideMap
return System.Collections.Generic