C# Class Lousy.Mon.AbstractDoubleAnimator

Inheritance: AbstractAnimator
Mostrar archivo Open project: ThatLousyGuy/Monolith

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
_from double
_to double

Public Methods

Method Description
AbstractDoubleAnimator ( UIElement elem ) : Windows.UI.Xaml
From ( double fromValue ) : AbstractDoubleAnimator

Sets the value to animate from. If left unset, the animation will start from the current value of the property to be animated.

To ( double toValue ) : AbstractDoubleAnimator

Sets the value to animate to.

Protected Methods

Method Description
ApplyAnimationParams ( Timeline animation ) : void
CreateAnimation ( ) : Timeline

Method Details

AbstractDoubleAnimator() public method

public AbstractDoubleAnimator ( UIElement elem ) : Windows.UI.Xaml
elem Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement
return Windows.UI.Xaml

ApplyAnimationParams() protected method

protected ApplyAnimationParams ( Timeline animation ) : void
animation Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation.Timeline
return void

CreateAnimation() protected abstract method

protected abstract CreateAnimation ( ) : Timeline
return Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation.Timeline

From() public method

Sets the value to animate from. If left unset, the animation will start from the current value of the property to be animated.
public From ( double fromValue ) : AbstractDoubleAnimator
fromValue double
return AbstractDoubleAnimator

To() public method

Sets the value to animate to.
public To ( double toValue ) : AbstractDoubleAnimator
toValue double
return AbstractDoubleAnimator

Property Details

_from protected_oe property

protected double _from
return double

_to protected_oe property

protected double _to
return double