C# Class LogSpy.Core.Infrastructure.Log4NetLogger

Represents a log4net logger adapter that can be used by Prism
Inheritance: ILoggerFacade
Mostrar archivo Open project: jenrom/LogSpy

Public Methods

Method Description
Log ( string message, Category category, Priority priority ) : void

Write a new log entry with the specified category and priority.

Log4NetLogger ( ) : System

Initializes the log4net logger using app.config

Log4NetLogger ( log4net.ILog destinationLog ) : System

Initializes the log4net adapter with a previously created loggers

Method Details

Log() public method

Write a new log entry with the specified category and priority.
public Log ( string message, Category category, Priority priority ) : void
message string Message body to log.
category Category Category of the entry.
priority Priority The priority of the entry.
return void

Log4NetLogger() public method

Initializes the log4net logger using app.config
public Log4NetLogger ( ) : System
return System

Log4NetLogger() public method

Initializes the log4net adapter with a previously created loggers
public Log4NetLogger ( log4net.ILog destinationLog ) : System
destinationLog log4net.ILog
return System