C# Class LitDev.LDDebug

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
applicationThread Thread
breakLabels List
breakText List
currentThread Thread
ignoreAllBreaks bool
ignoreBreaks List
includeAllBreaks bool
running bool
stepOut int

Public Methods

Method Description
Break ( Primitive label ) : void

Set a break point, where the program will pause and variable values can be viewed.

Instrument ( Primitive fileName ) : void

Create a SmallBasic file (_debug.sb) with break points auto added for each line. Just open and run the new instrumented file to debug it. When a problem is found, correct it in your original and re-instrument to debug the corrected file.

Start ( ) : void

Start a debugging session, usually do this as the first line of your program. Usually you would either set break points manually in your code before running (LDDebug.Break) or auto add breakpoints (LDDebug.Instrument).

Private Methods

Method Description
RunDebug ( ) : void
checkCondition ( string value1, string value2 ) : bool
isCondition ( ) : bool
setLabels ( ) : void

Method Details

Break() public static method

Set a break point, where the program will pause and variable values can be viewed.
public static Break ( Primitive label ) : void
label Primitive An identification label for the breakpoint. /// A unique label should be chosen for each breakpoint defined. /// There are some known limitations with breakpoints inside event subroutines.
return void

Instrument() public static method

Create a SmallBasic file (_debug.sb) with break points auto added for each line. Just open and run the new instrumented file to debug it. When a problem is found, correct it in your original and re-instrument to debug the corrected file.
public static Instrument ( Primitive fileName ) : void
fileName Primitive The Smallbasic file (*.sb) to instrument.
return void

Start() public static method

Start a debugging session, usually do this as the first line of your program. Usually you would either set break points manually in your code before running (LDDebug.Break) or auto add breakpoints (LDDebug.Instrument).
public static Start ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

applicationThread public_oe static_oe property

public static Thread applicationThread
return Thread

breakLabels public_oe static_oe property

public static List breakLabels
return List

breakText public_oe static_oe property

public static List breakText
return List

currentThread public_oe static_oe property

public static Thread currentThread
return Thread

ignoreAllBreaks public_oe static_oe property

public static bool ignoreAllBreaks
return bool

ignoreBreaks public_oe static_oe property

public static List ignoreBreaks
return List

includeAllBreaks public_oe static_oe property

public static bool includeAllBreaks
return bool

running public_oe static_oe property

public static bool running
return bool

stepOut public_oe static_oe property

public static int stepOut
return int