C# Class LinnAppFramework.Classes.SessionHandler

Mostrar archivo Open project: LinnSystems/LinnworksNetSDK

Public Methods

Method Description
CreateSession ( System.Guid Token ) : Classes.Core.GenericTypedResponse

Attempts to create a new session with a token

GetSession ( System.Guid LinnworksSessionId ) : LinnworksAPI.BaseSession

Gets a session from the sessioo

Method Details

CreateSession() public static method

Attempts to create a new session with a token
public static CreateSession ( System.Guid Token ) : Classes.Core.GenericTypedResponse
Token System.Guid
return Classes.Core.GenericTypedResponse

GetSession() public static method

Gets a session from the sessioo
public static GetSession ( System.Guid LinnworksSessionId ) : LinnworksAPI.BaseSession
LinnworksSessionId System.Guid
return LinnworksAPI.BaseSession