C# Class Libmpc.MpdStatus

The MpdStatus class contains all values describing the current status of the MPD.
Mostrar archivo Open project: sakya/wpfmpdclient Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
MpdStatus ( int volume, bool repeat, bool random, int playlist, int playlistLength, int xFade, MpdState state, int song, int songId, int timeElapsed, int timeTotal, int bitrate, int audioSampleRate, int audioBits, int audioChannels, int updatingDb, string error ) : System

Creates a new MpdStatus object.

ToString ( ) : string

Returns a string representation of the object maily for debugging purpuses.

Private Methods

Method Description
appendBool ( StringBuilder builder, string name, bool value ) : void
appendInt ( StringBuilder builder, string name, int value ) : void

Method Details

MpdStatus() public method

Creates a new MpdStatus object.
public MpdStatus ( int volume, bool repeat, bool random, int playlist, int playlistLength, int xFade, MpdState state, int song, int songId, int timeElapsed, int timeTotal, int bitrate, int audioSampleRate, int audioBits, int audioChannels, int updatingDb, string error ) : System
volume int The current volume of the output.
repeat bool If the playlist is repeated after finish.
random bool If the playlist is played in random order.
playlist int The version number of the playlist.
playlistLength int The length of the playlist.
xFade int The number of seconds crossfaded between song changes.
state MpdState The state of the MPD.
song int The index of the currently played song in the playlist.
songId int The id of the song currently played.
timeElapsed int The number of seconds already played of the current song.
timeTotal int The length of the current song in seconds.
bitrate int The bitrate of the current song.
audioSampleRate int The audio sample rate of the current song.
audioBits int The audio bits of the current song.
audioChannels int The number of audio channels of the current song.
updatingDb int The number of the update on the MPD database currently running.
error string An error message, if there is an error.
return System

ToString() public method

Returns a string representation of the object maily for debugging purpuses.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string