C# Class Landis.Harvest.SingleRepeatHarvest

A single repeat-harvest harvests stands and then sets them aside for just one additional harvest. The additional harvest can remove a different set of cohorts than the initial harvest.
Inheritance: RepeatHarvest
Mostrar archivo Open project: LANDIS-II-Foundation/Extensions-Disturbance

Public Methods

Method Description
Harvest ( Stand stand ) : double

Harvests a stand (and possibly its neighbors) according to the repeat-harvest's site-selection method.

Harvest ( Stand stand ) : void

Harvests a stand (and possibly its neighbors) according to the repeat-harvest's site-selection method.

SingleRepeatHarvest ( string name, IStandRankingMethod rankingMethod, ISiteSelector siteSelector, ICohortSelector cohortSelector, Landis.Succession.Planting speciesToPlant, ICohortSelector additionalCohortSelector, Landis.Succession.Planting additionalSpeciesToPlant, int interval ) : Landis.Succession
SingleRepeatHarvest ( string name, IStandRankingMethod rankingMethod, ISiteSelector siteSelector, ICohortSelector cohortSelector, Landis.Succession.Planting speciesToPlant, ICohortSelector additionalCohortSelector, Landis.Succession.Planting additionalSpeciesToPlant, int minTimeSinceDamage, bool preventEstablishment, int interval ) : Landis.Succession

Method Details

Harvest() public method

Harvests a stand (and possibly its neighbors) according to the repeat-harvest's site-selection method.
public Harvest ( Stand stand ) : double
stand Stand
return double

Harvest() public method

Harvests a stand (and possibly its neighbors) according to the repeat-harvest's site-selection method.
public Harvest ( Stand stand ) : void
stand Stand
return void

SingleRepeatHarvest() public method

public SingleRepeatHarvest ( string name, IStandRankingMethod rankingMethod, ISiteSelector siteSelector, ICohortSelector cohortSelector, Landis.Succession.Planting speciesToPlant, ICohortSelector additionalCohortSelector, Landis.Succession.Planting additionalSpeciesToPlant, int interval ) : Landis.Succession
name string
rankingMethod IStandRankingMethod
siteSelector ISiteSelector
cohortSelector ICohortSelector
speciesToPlant Landis.Succession.Planting
additionalCohortSelector ICohortSelector
additionalSpeciesToPlant Landis.Succession.Planting
interval int
return Landis.Succession

SingleRepeatHarvest() public method

public SingleRepeatHarvest ( string name, IStandRankingMethod rankingMethod, ISiteSelector siteSelector, ICohortSelector cohortSelector, Landis.Succession.Planting speciesToPlant, ICohortSelector additionalCohortSelector, Landis.Succession.Planting additionalSpeciesToPlant, int minTimeSinceDamage, bool preventEstablishment, int interval ) : Landis.Succession
name string
rankingMethod IStandRankingMethod
siteSelector ISiteSelector
cohortSelector ICohortSelector
speciesToPlant Landis.Succession.Planting
additionalCohortSelector ICohortSelector
additionalSpeciesToPlant Landis.Succession.Planting
minTimeSinceDamage int
preventEstablishment bool
interval int
return Landis.Succession