C# Class KafkaNet.MetadataQueries

This class provides a set of common queries that are useful for both the Consumer and Producer classes.
Inheritance: IMetadataQueries
Mostrar archivo Open project: gigya/KafkaNetClient Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( ) : void
GetTopicFromCache ( string topic ) : KafkaNet.Protocol.Topic

Get metadata on the given topic.

GetTopicOffsetAsync ( string topic, int maxOffsets = 2, int time = -1 ) : Task>

Get offsets for each partition from a given topic.

MetadataQueries ( IBrokerRouter brokerRouter ) : KafkaNet.Protocol

Method Details

Dispose() public method

public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

GetTopicFromCache() public method

Get metadata on the given topic.
public GetTopicFromCache ( string topic ) : KafkaNet.Protocol.Topic
topic string The metadata on the requested topic.
return KafkaNet.Protocol.Topic

GetTopicOffsetAsync() public method

Get offsets for each partition from a given topic.
public GetTopicOffsetAsync ( string topic, int maxOffsets = 2, int time = -1 ) : Task>
topic string Name of the topic to get offset information from.
maxOffsets int
time int
return Task>

MetadataQueries() public method

public MetadataQueries ( IBrokerRouter brokerRouter ) : KafkaNet.Protocol
brokerRouter IBrokerRouter
return KafkaNet.Protocol