C# Class Intense.UI.AppearanceManager

Manages the appearance of the application.
Mostrar archivo Open project: firstfloorsoftware/intense Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
GetForCurrentView ( ) : AppearanceManager

Gets the appearance manager for the current window (app view).

Private Methods

Method Description
AppearanceManager ( ) : System
AppearanceManager ( FrameworkElement root ) : System
GetAccentColor ( ) : Color?
GetSystemAccentBrush ( ) : SolidColorBrush
GetTheme ( ) : ApplicationTheme
OnAccentColorChanged ( ) : void
OnSystemAccentColorChanged ( DependencyObject o, DependencyProperty property ) : void
OnThemeChanged ( ) : void
Reset ( ) : void
ResetAllViews ( ) : void
SetAccentColor ( Color color ) : void
SetTheme ( ApplicationTheme theme, bool raiseEvent ) : void

Method Details

GetForCurrentView() public static method

Gets the appearance manager for the current window (app view).
public static GetForCurrentView ( ) : AppearanceManager
return AppearanceManager