C# Class ImageQuantization.GrayscaleQuantizer

Summary description for PaletteQuantizer.
Inheritance: PaletteQuantizer
Mostrar archivo Open project: adzm/BusinessCats

Public Methods

Method Description
GrayscaleQuantizer ( ) : System

Construct the palette quantizer

Palette quantization only requires a single quantization step

Protected Methods

Method Description
QuantizePixel ( Color32 pixel ) : byte

Override this to process the pixel in the second pass of the algorithm

Method Details

GrayscaleQuantizer() public method

Construct the palette quantizer
Palette quantization only requires a single quantization step
public GrayscaleQuantizer ( ) : System
return System

QuantizePixel() protected method

Override this to process the pixel in the second pass of the algorithm
protected QuantizePixel ( Color32 pixel ) : byte
pixel Color32 The pixel to quantize
return byte