C# Class HedgehogDevelopment.Scaas.Content.Fields.FieldConverterService

The FieldConverterService class
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Public Methods

Method Description
Convert ( Type type, Sitecore field ) : object

Converts the specified field to the Type.

FieldConverterService ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the FieldConverterService class.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetConverter ( Type fieldType ) : IFieldConverter

Gets the converter for the Type.

Method Details

Convert() public method

Converts the specified field to the Type.
public Convert ( Type type, Sitecore field ) : object
type System.Type The type.
field Sitecore The field.
return object

FieldConverterService() public method

Initializes a new instance of the FieldConverterService class.
public FieldConverterService ( ) : System
return System