C# Class Habanero.Test.DB.TransactionLogStub

This is used only for testing reading transactions
Inheritance: BusinessObject
Mostrar archivo Open project: Chillisoft/habanero Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
GetTransactionLog ( Habanero.BO.BOPrimaryKey id ) : TransactionLogStub

returns the TransactionLogStub identified by id.

If the Contact person is already leaded then an identical copy of it will be returned.

TransactionLogStub ( ) : System
TransactionLogStub ( ClassDef def ) : System

Protected Methods

Method Description
ConstructClassDef ( ) : IClassDef
LoadBusinessObjCol ( ) : BusinessObjectCollection
LoadBusinessObjCol ( string searchCriteria, string orderByClause ) : BusinessObjectCollection

Private Methods

Method Description
ClearTransactionLogCol ( ) : void
CreateBOPropDef ( ) : PropDefCol
CreateClassDef ( ) : ClassDef
DeleteAllTransactionLogs ( ) : void
GetClassDef ( ) : IClassDef

Method Details

ConstructClassDef() protected method

protected ConstructClassDef ( ) : IClassDef
return IClassDef

GetTransactionLog() public static method

returns the TransactionLogStub identified by id.
If the Contact person is already leaded then an identical copy of it will be returned.
/// if the object has been deleted already
public static GetTransactionLog ( Habanero.BO.BOPrimaryKey id ) : TransactionLogStub
id Habanero.BO.BOPrimaryKey The object primary Key
return TransactionLogStub

LoadBusinessObjCol() protected static method

protected static LoadBusinessObjCol ( ) : BusinessObjectCollection
return BusinessObjectCollection

LoadBusinessObjCol() protected static method

protected static LoadBusinessObjCol ( string searchCriteria, string orderByClause ) : BusinessObjectCollection
searchCriteria string
orderByClause string
return BusinessObjectCollection

TransactionLogStub() public method

public TransactionLogStub ( ) : System
return System

TransactionLogStub() public method

public TransactionLogStub ( ClassDef def ) : System
def ClassDef
return System