C# Class Gurux.DLMS.GXDLMSNotify

This class is used to send data notify and push messages to the clients.
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
Settings GXDLMSSettings

Private Properties

Property Type Description
AddData void

Public Methods

Method Description
AddData ( GXDLMSObject obj, int index, GXByteBuffer buff ) : void

Add value of COSEM object to byte buffer.

AddData method can be used with GetDataNotificationMessage -method. DLMS spesification do not specify the structure of Data-Notification body. So each manufacture can sent different data.

GXDLMSNotify ( bool useLogicalNameReferencing, int clientAddress, int serverAddress, InterfaceType interfaceType ) : Gurux.DLMS.Enums


GenerateDataNotificationMessages ( System.DateTime time, GXByteBuffer data ) : byte[][]

Generates data notification message(s).

GenerateDataNotificationMessages ( System.DateTime time, int>.List objects ) : byte[][]

Generates data notification message.

GenerateDataNotificationMessages ( System.DateTime time, byte data ) : byte[][]

Generates data notification message(s).

GeneratePushSetupMessages ( System.DateTime date, GXDLMSPushSetup push ) : byte[][]

Generates push setup message.

GetData ( GXByteBuffer reply, GXReplyData data ) : bool

Removes the HDLC frame from the packet, and returns COSEM data only.

ParsePush ( Object data ) : int>>.List

Private Methods

Method Description
AddData ( GXDLMSSettings settings, GXDLMSObject obj, int index, GXByteBuffer buff ) : void

Add value of COSEM object to byte buffer.

AddData method can be used with GetDataNotificationMessage -method. DLMS spesification do not specify the structure of Data-Notification body. So each manufacture can sent different data.

Method Details

AddData() public method

Add value of COSEM object to byte buffer.
AddData method can be used with GetDataNotificationMessage -method. DLMS spesification do not specify the structure of Data-Notification body. So each manufacture can sent different data.
public AddData ( GXDLMSObject obj, int index, GXByteBuffer buff ) : void
obj Gurux.DLMS.Objects.GXDLMSObject COSEM object.
index int Attribute index.
buff GXByteBuffer Byte buffer.
return void

GXDLMSNotify() public method

public GXDLMSNotify ( bool useLogicalNameReferencing, int clientAddress, int serverAddress, InterfaceType interfaceType ) : Gurux.DLMS.Enums
useLogicalNameReferencing bool Is Logical or short name referencing used.
clientAddress int Client address. Default is 0x10
serverAddress int
interfaceType InterfaceType Interface type. Default is general.
return Gurux.DLMS.Enums

GenerateDataNotificationMessages() public method

Generates data notification message(s).
public GenerateDataNotificationMessages ( System.DateTime time, GXByteBuffer data ) : byte[][]
time System.DateTime Date time. Set To Min or Max if not added
data GXByteBuffer Notification body.
return byte[][]

GenerateDataNotificationMessages() public method

Generates data notification message.
public GenerateDataNotificationMessages ( System.DateTime time, int>.List objects ) : byte[][]
time System.DateTime Date time. Set To Min or Max if not added
objects int>.List List of objects and attribute indexes to notify.
return byte[][]

GenerateDataNotificationMessages() public method

Generates data notification message(s).
public GenerateDataNotificationMessages ( System.DateTime time, byte data ) : byte[][]
time System.DateTime Date time. Set To Min or Max if not added
data byte Notification body.
return byte[][]

GeneratePushSetupMessages() public method

Generates push setup message.
public GeneratePushSetupMessages ( System.DateTime date, GXDLMSPushSetup push ) : byte[][]
date System.DateTime Date time. Set To Min or Max if not added.
push Gurux.DLMS.Objects.GXDLMSPushSetup Target Push object.
return byte[][]

GetData() public method

Removes the HDLC frame from the packet, and returns COSEM data only.
public GetData ( GXByteBuffer reply, GXReplyData data ) : bool
reply GXByteBuffer /// The received data from the device. ///
data GXReplyData /// Information from the received data. ///
return bool

ParsePush() public method

public ParsePush ( Object data ) : int>>.List
data Object
return int>>.List

Property Details

Settings protected_oe property

DLMS settings.
protected GXDLMSSettings,Gurux.DLMS Settings
return GXDLMSSettings