C# Class Google.SmartLock.Platforms.Android.AndroidCredentials

Implementation class for SmartLock for Passwords on Android. This builds the JNI calls to access an Activity that invokes the API.
Inheritance: ISmartLockCredentialsImpl
Mostrar archivo Open project: googlesamples/unity-credentials

Public Methods

Method Description
Delete ( ICredential credential, ICredential>.Action callback ) : void
Load ( ICredential>.Action callback ) : void
Save ( ICredential credential, ICredential>.Action callback ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
GetSupportClass ( ) : AndroidJavaClass

Gets the support class.

GetUnityActivity ( ) : AndroidJavaObject

Gets the unity activity.

Method Details

Delete() public method

public Delete ( ICredential credential, ICredential>.Action callback ) : void
credential ICredential
callback ICredential>.Action
return void

Load() public method

public Load ( ICredential>.Action callback ) : void
callback ICredential>.Action
return void

Save() public method

public Save ( ICredential credential, ICredential>.Action callback ) : void
credential ICredential
callback ICredential>.Action
return void