C# Class GeometryClassLibrary.EdgeListExtensionMethods

Mostrar archivo Open project: ParagonTruss/GeometryClassLibrary

Public Methods

Method Description
FixEdgeOrientation ( this edges ) : List
GetAllPoints ( this passedEdges ) : List

Gets a list of all the points in this collection of edges.

Shift ( this passedEdges, Shift passedShift ) : List

Shifts each Edge in the list using the given shift

Method Details

FixEdgeOrientation() public static method

public static FixEdgeOrientation ( this edges ) : List
edges this
return List

GetAllPoints() public static method

Gets a list of all the points in this collection of edges.
public static GetAllPoints ( this passedEdges ) : List
passedEdges this
return List

Shift() public static method

Shifts each Edge in the list using the given shift
public static Shift ( this passedEdges, Shift passedShift ) : List
passedEdges this
passedShift Shift
return List