C# Class FlatRedBall.Glue.SaveClasses.NamedObjectSaveExtensionMethods

Mostrar archivo Open project: vchelaru/FlatRedBall Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AddNewGenericInstructionFor ( this instance, string member, Type type ) : CustomVariableInNamedObject
CanBeInList ( this instance, NamedObjectSave listNos ) : bool
Clone ( this instance ) : NamedObjectSave
DoesMemberNeedToBeSetByContainer ( this instance, string memberName ) : bool
FixEnumerationTypes ( this instance ) : void
GetAdditionsNeededForChangingType ( string oldType, string newType, List valuesToBeSet, List neededVariables, List neededStates, List neededCategories ) : void
GetAssetTypeInfo ( this instance ) : AssetTypeInfo
GetContainer ( this instance ) : IElement
GetContainerType ( this instance ) : ContainerType
GetCustomVariable ( this namedObject, string variableName ) : CustomVariableInNamedObject
GetDefiningNamedObjectSave ( this instance, IElement container ) : NamedObjectSave
GetEffectiveValue ( this instance, string variableName ) : object

Returns the value of a variable either set in the NamedObjectSave (if it is set there) or in the underlying Entity if not

GetIsScalableEntity ( this instance ) : bool
GetMessageWhySwitchMightCauseProblems ( this namedObjectSave, string oldType ) : string
GetQualifiedClassType ( this instance ) : string
GetReferencedElement ( this instance ) : IElement
NamedObjectSaveToString ( NamedObjectSave nos ) : string
PostLoadLogic ( this instance ) : void
ResetVariablesReferencing ( this namedObject, ReferencedFileSave rfs ) : void
SetPropertyValue ( this instance, string propertyName, object valueToSet ) : InstructionSave
UpdateCustomProperties ( this instance ) : void

Updates the InstructionSaves in the argument NamedObject according to the source type. This method will never remove instructions, but will add them if the NOS comes from a type that has properties that are currently not represented in the NOS's Instructions.

Private Methods

Method Description
UpdateTypedMembers ( NamedObjectSave instance ) : void

Method Details

AddNewGenericInstructionFor() public static method

public static AddNewGenericInstructionFor ( this instance, string member, Type type ) : CustomVariableInNamedObject
instance this
member string
type System.Type
return CustomVariableInNamedObject

CanBeInList() public static method

public static CanBeInList ( this instance, NamedObjectSave listNos ) : bool
instance this
listNos NamedObjectSave
return bool

Clone() public static method

public static Clone ( this instance ) : NamedObjectSave
instance this
return NamedObjectSave

DoesMemberNeedToBeSetByContainer() public static method

public static DoesMemberNeedToBeSetByContainer ( this instance, string memberName ) : bool
instance this
memberName string
return bool

FixEnumerationTypes() public static method

public static FixEnumerationTypes ( this instance ) : void
instance this
return void

GetAdditionsNeededForChangingType() public static method

public static GetAdditionsNeededForChangingType ( string oldType, string newType, List valuesToBeSet, List neededVariables, List neededStates, List neededCategories ) : void
oldType string
newType string
valuesToBeSet List
neededVariables List
neededStates List
neededCategories List
return void

GetAssetTypeInfo() public static method

public static GetAssetTypeInfo ( this instance ) : AssetTypeInfo
instance this
return AssetTypeInfo

GetContainer() public static method

public static GetContainer ( this instance ) : IElement
instance this
return IElement

GetContainerType() public static method

public static GetContainerType ( this instance ) : ContainerType
instance this
return ContainerType

GetCustomVariable() public static method

public static GetCustomVariable ( this namedObject, string variableName ) : CustomVariableInNamedObject
namedObject this
variableName string
return CustomVariableInNamedObject

GetDefiningNamedObjectSave() public static method

public static GetDefiningNamedObjectSave ( this instance, IElement container ) : NamedObjectSave
instance this
container IElement
return NamedObjectSave

GetEffectiveValue() public static method

Returns the value of a variable either set in the NamedObjectSave (if it is set there) or in the underlying Entity if not
public static GetEffectiveValue ( this instance, string variableName ) : object
instance this The NamedObjectSave to get the variable from.
variableName string The name of the variable, such as "ScaleX"
return object

GetIsScalableEntity() public static method

public static GetIsScalableEntity ( this instance ) : bool
instance this
return bool

GetMessageWhySwitchMightCauseProblems() public static method

public static GetMessageWhySwitchMightCauseProblems ( this namedObjectSave, string oldType ) : string
namedObjectSave this
oldType string
return string

GetQualifiedClassType() public static method

public static GetQualifiedClassType ( this instance ) : string
instance this
return string

GetReferencedElement() public static method

public static GetReferencedElement ( this instance ) : IElement
instance this
return IElement

NamedObjectSaveToString() public static method

public static NamedObjectSaveToString ( NamedObjectSave nos ) : string
nos NamedObjectSave
return string

PostLoadLogic() public static method

public static PostLoadLogic ( this instance ) : void
instance this
return void

ResetVariablesReferencing() public static method

public static ResetVariablesReferencing ( this namedObject, ReferencedFileSave rfs ) : void
namedObject this
rfs ReferencedFileSave
return void

SetPropertyValue() public static method

public static SetPropertyValue ( this instance, string propertyName, object valueToSet ) : InstructionSave
instance this
propertyName string
valueToSet object
return InstructionSave

UpdateCustomProperties() public static method

Updates the InstructionSaves in the argument NamedObject according to the source type. This method will never remove instructions, but will add them if the NOS comes from a type that has properties that are currently not represented in the NOS's Instructions.
public static UpdateCustomProperties ( this instance ) : void
instance this The NamedObject to update properties on.
return void