C# Class ExoGraph.NHibernate.NHibernateGraphTypeProvider

NHibernate-specific implementation of the ExoGraph.GraphContext
Relies on the NHibernate.Context.CurrentSessionContext having been initialized
Inheritance: StronglyTypedGraphTypeProvider
Mostrar archivo Open project: vc3/ExoModel

Public Methods

Method Description
NHibernateGraphTypeProvider ( string @namespace, IEnumerable types ) : System

Protected Methods

Method Description
CreateGraphType ( string @namespace, Type type, object>.Func extensionFactory ) : StrongGraphType
GetUnderlyingType ( object instance ) : Type

Method Details

CreateGraphType() protected method

protected CreateGraphType ( string @namespace, Type type, object>.Func extensionFactory ) : StrongGraphType
@namespace string
type System.Type
extensionFactory object>.Func
return StrongGraphType

GetUnderlyingType() protected method

protected GetUnderlyingType ( object instance ) : Type
instance object
return System.Type

NHibernateGraphTypeProvider() public method

public NHibernateGraphTypeProvider ( string @namespace, IEnumerable types ) : System
@namespace string
types IEnumerable
return System