C# Class Eryan.Singleton.BotFetcher

Singleton to keep track of all running bots
Mostrar archivo Open project: emist/Eryan

Public Methods

Method Description
addBot ( Bot b ) : void

Registers a bot with the singleton

fetch ( uint pid ) : Bot

Fetches a bot based on PID

getBots ( ) : List

Return a reference to the bot list- Not thread safe

Method Details

addBot() public static method

Registers a bot with the singleton
public static addBot ( Bot b ) : void
b Bot The reference to the bot to be registered
return void

fetch() public static method

Fetches a bot based on PID
public static fetch ( uint pid ) : Bot
pid uint The PID of the EVE process the bot is attached to
return Bot

getBots() public static method

Return a reference to the bot list- Not thread safe
public static getBots ( ) : List
return List