C# Class Engage.Dnn.Booking.ModuleBase

This class extends the framework version in order for developers to add on any specific methods/behavior.
Inheritance: Framework.ModuleBase
Mostrar archivo Open project: EngageSoftware/Engage-Booking

Protected Methods

Method Description
BuildLinkUrl ( int moduleId, ControlKey controlKey ) : string

Builds a URL for this TabId, using the given queryString parameters.

BuildLinkUrl ( int tabId, int moduleId, ControlKey controlKey ) : string

Builds a URL for the given tabId, using the given queryString parameters.

GenerateQueryStringParameters ( HttpRequest request ) : string

Generates a list of QueryString parameters for the given list of queryStringKeys.

OnInit ( EventArgs e ) : void

Raises the Control.Init event.

SendContentToClient ( HttpResponse response, string contentType, string content, string fileName ) : void

Sends a file to the client to download.

SetupPagingControl ( DotNetNuke.UI.WebControls.PagingControl pagingControl, int totalRecords ) : void

Sets up a DNN PagingControl.

Method Details

BuildLinkUrl() protected method

Builds a URL for this TabId, using the given queryString parameters.
protected BuildLinkUrl ( int moduleId, ControlKey controlKey ) : string
moduleId int The module id of the module for which the control key is being used.
controlKey ControlKey The control key to determine which control to load.
return string

BuildLinkUrl() protected method

Builds a URL for the given tabId, using the given queryString parameters.
protected BuildLinkUrl ( int tabId, int moduleId, ControlKey controlKey ) : string
tabId int The tab id of the page to navigate to.
moduleId int The module id of the module for which the control key is being used.
controlKey ControlKey The control key to determine which control to load.
return string

GenerateQueryStringParameters() protected static method

Generates a list of QueryString parameters for the given list of queryStringKeys.
protected static GenerateQueryStringParameters ( HttpRequest request ) : string
request System.Web.HttpRequest The current request.
return string

OnInit() protected method

Raises the Control.Init event.
protected OnInit ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs The instance containing the event data.
return void

SendContentToClient() protected static method

Sends a file to the client to download.
protected static SendContentToClient ( HttpResponse response, string contentType, string content, string fileName ) : void
response System.Web.HttpResponse The response to use to send the content.
contentType string The MIME content type of the .
content string The content of the file.
fileName string The name of the file.
return void

SetupPagingControl() protected method

Sets up a DNN PagingControl.
protected SetupPagingControl ( DotNetNuke.UI.WebControls.PagingControl pagingControl, int totalRecords ) : void
pagingControl DotNetNuke.UI.WebControls.PagingControl The pager control.
totalRecords int The total records.
return void