C# Class Endjin.SemanticVersioning.TeamCity.CodeGenerator

Mostrar archivo Open project: endjin/Endjin.Assembly.ChangeDetection Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
GenerateVersionDetailsDynamicAssembly ( string currentAssembly, string assemblyVersion, string productVersion, string semanticVersion ) : string

Generates a dynamic assembly containing all of the custom attributes from the source assembly and then generates new version number based attributes which ILMerge can then use to stamp onto the source assembly

Private Methods

Method Description
ConvertAttributeToAssemblyCustomAttribute ( Attribute attribute, CodeCompileUnit codeCompileUnit ) : void

Method Details

GenerateVersionDetailsDynamicAssembly() public method

Generates a dynamic assembly containing all of the custom attributes from the source assembly and then generates new version number based attributes which ILMerge can then use to stamp onto the source assembly
public GenerateVersionDetailsDynamicAssembly ( string currentAssembly, string assemblyVersion, string productVersion, string semanticVersion ) : string
currentAssembly string
assemblyVersion string
productVersion string
semanticVersion string
return string