C# Class ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Toolkit.DataSources.Kml.KmlToFeatureDefinition

Converts a KML document into a FeatureDefinition.
Mostrar archivo Open project: Esri/arcgis-toolkit-sl-wpf Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Property Type Description
CreateFeatureDefinition void
DownloadStyleAsync void
ExtractCoordinate MapPoint
ExtractCoordinates PointCollection
ExtractDouble double
ExtractEnvelope Envelope
ExtractFeatureStyleInfo void
ExtractLatLonBox PlacemarkDescriptor
ExtractLinearRing PlacemarkDescriptor
ExtractPoint PlacemarkDescriptor
ExtractPolyLine PlacemarkDescriptor
ExtractPolygon PlacemarkDescriptor
ExtractRegion RegionInfo
ExtractRing PointCollection
ExtractTimeExtent TimeExtent
ExtractTimeExtentFromDate TimeExtent
ExtractTimeExtentFromTimeSpan TimeExtent
ExtractTimeExtentFromTimeStamp TimeExtent
GetAtomAuthor string
GetAtomHref string
GetBooleanValue bool
GetColorFromHexString System.Windows.Media.Color
GetDoubleValue double
GetFeatureType System.Xml.Linq.XElement
GetKmzContents System.Xml.Linq.XDocument
GetStyle void
GetStyleMapAsync void
GetStyleUrlAsync void
StoreZipfileAndCallback void
StringToBool bool
StyleDownloaded void

Public Methods

Method Description
Convert ( KmlLayerContext context ) : FeatureDefinition

Takes features in the KML element and converts them into equivalent features and adds them to the FeatureDefinition. Only the direct children of the KML element are converted.

KmlToFeatureDefinition ( Uri baseUri, string proxyUrl ) : ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Toolkit.DataSources.Kml.Zip

Initializes a new instance of the KmlToFeatureDefinition class.

Private Methods

Method Description
CreateFeatureDefinition ( KMLStyle kmlStyle, System.Xml.Linq.XElement feature, System.Xml.Linq.XElement geometry, KmlLayerContext context ) : void
DownloadStyleAsync ( string styleUrl, System credentials, Action callback, X509Certificate clientCertificate = null ) : void

Downloads KML file containing style, extracts style and creates feature definitions.

ExtractCoordinate ( string coordinate ) : MapPoint

Extracts the X and Y values from a comma delimited string containing a single coordinate.

ExtractCoordinates ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement coordinates ) : PointCollection

Extracts the X and Y values from a comma delimited string containing multiple coordinates.

ExtractDouble ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement element ) : double
ExtractEnvelope ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement geomElement ) : Envelope

Extracts an envelope from the input element.

ExtractFeatureStyleInfo ( KMLStyle kmlStyle, System.Xml.Linq.XElement placemark ) : void
ExtractLatLonBox ( KMLStyle kmlStyle, System.Xml.Linq.XElement geomElement ) : PlacemarkDescriptor

Extracts a polygon from the input element and applies style information to the placemark descriptor.

ExtractLinearRing ( KMLStyle kmlStyle, System.Xml.Linq.XElement geomElement ) : PlacemarkDescriptor

Extracts a linear ring from the input element and applies style information to the placemark descriptor.

ExtractPoint ( KMLStyle kmlStyle, System.Xml.Linq.XElement point ) : PlacemarkDescriptor

Extracts a point from the input element and applies style information to the placemark descriptor.

ExtractPolyLine ( KMLStyle kmlStyle, System.Xml.Linq.XElement line ) : PlacemarkDescriptor

Extracts a polyline from the input element and applies style information to the placemark descriptor.

ExtractPolygon ( KMLStyle kmlStyle, System.Xml.Linq.XElement geomElement ) : PlacemarkDescriptor

Extracts a polygon from the input element and applies style information to the placemark descriptor.

ExtractRegion ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement feature ) : RegionInfo

Extracts the region from a KML feature (folder, document, networklink, placemark or groundoverlay)

ExtractRing ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement boundary ) : PointCollection

Extracts a collection of points from a LinearRing definition.

ExtractTimeExtent ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement element, object>.IDictionary attributes = null ) : TimeExtent
ExtractTimeExtentFromDate ( string strDateTime ) : TimeExtent
ExtractTimeExtentFromTimeSpan ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement element, object>.IDictionary attributes ) : TimeExtent
ExtractTimeExtentFromTimeStamp ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement element, object>.IDictionary attributes ) : TimeExtent
GetAtomAuthor ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement element ) : string
GetAtomHref ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement element ) : string
GetBooleanValue ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement element ) : bool
GetColorFromHexString ( string s ) : System.Windows.Media.Color

Converts hexadecimal color notation into equivalent Silverlight Color.

GetDoubleValue ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement element ) : double
GetFeatureType ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement element ) : System.Xml.Linq.XElement

Extracts the feature element from the Placemark.

GetKmzContents ( ZipFile zipFile ) : System.Xml.Linq.XDocument

Processes each file in the ZIP stream, storing images in a dictionary and load the KML contents into an XDocument.

GetStyle ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement style, KMLStyle kmlStyle ) : void

Constructs a KMLStyle object that represents KML style contained in the input XElement.

GetStyleMapAsync ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement styleMap, System.Xml.Linq.XDocument xDoc, ICredentials credentials, Action callback, X509Certificate clientCertificate = null ) : void

Gets the 'normal' style of a style map. Getting this style may need recursive download. When the style is ready -> execute the callback.

The 'highlight' style is not used by the KmlLayer.

GetStyleUrlAsync ( string styleUrl, System.Xml.Linq.XDocument xDoc, System credentials, Action callback, X509Certificate clientCertificate = null ) : void
StoreZipfileAndCallback ( KMLStyle kmlStyle, Action callback, ZipFile zipFile ) : void
StringToBool ( string s ) : bool

Converts a string containing an integer value into a boolean.

StyleDownloaded ( object sender, OpenReadCompletedEventArgs e ) : void

Event handler invoked when an external KML file containing a style definition has been downloaded.

Method Details

Convert() public method

Takes features in the KML element and converts them into equivalent features and adds them to the FeatureDefinition. Only the direct children of the KML element are converted.
public Convert ( KmlLayerContext context ) : FeatureDefinition
context KmlLayerContext Context containing the XElement with the KML definition to be converted.
return FeatureDefinition

KmlToFeatureDefinition() public method

Initializes a new instance of the KmlToFeatureDefinition class.
public KmlToFeatureDefinition ( Uri baseUri, string proxyUrl ) : ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Toolkit.DataSources.Kml.Zip
baseUri System.Uri
proxyUrl string
return ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Toolkit.DataSources.Kml.Zip