C# Class DotNetWorkQueue.Queue.ProcessMessage

Runs user code and commits the message
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Public Methods

Method Description
Handle ( IMessageContext context, IReceivedMessageInternal transportMessage ) : bool

Handles processing the specified message with the context

ProcessMessage ( IHandleMessage handler, IHeartBeatWorkerFactory heartBeatWorkerFactory, MessageExceptionHandler messageExceptionHandler, ICommitMessage commitMessage ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ProcessMessage class.

Method Details

Handle() public method

Handles processing the specified message with the context
public Handle ( IMessageContext context, IReceivedMessageInternal transportMessage ) : bool
context IMessageContext The context.
transportMessage IReceivedMessageInternal The transport message.
return bool

ProcessMessage() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ProcessMessage class.
public ProcessMessage ( IHandleMessage handler, IHeartBeatWorkerFactory heartBeatWorkerFactory, MessageExceptionHandler messageExceptionHandler, ICommitMessage commitMessage ) : System
handler IHandleMessage The handler.
heartBeatWorkerFactory IHeartBeatWorkerFactory The heart beat worker factory.
messageExceptionHandler MessageExceptionHandler The message exception handler.
commitMessage ICommitMessage The commit message.
return System