C# Class DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2.ChannelElements.OAuth2AuthorizationServerChannel

The channel for the OAuth protocol.
Inheritance: DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2.ChannelElements.OAuth2ChannelBase, IOAuth2ChannelWithAuthorizationServer
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Protected Methods

Method Description
OAuth2AuthorizationServerChannel ( IAuthorizationServer authorizationServer ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the OAuth2AuthorizationServerChannel class.

PrepareDirectResponse ( IProtocolMessage response ) : DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.OutgoingWebResponse

Queues a message for sending in the response stream.

This method implements spec OAuth V1.0 section 5.3.

ReadFromRequestCore ( System.Web.HttpRequestBase request ) : IDirectedProtocolMessage

Gets the protocol message that may be embedded in the given HTTP request.

ReadFromResponseCore ( DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.IncomingWebResponse response ) : string>.IDictionary

Gets the protocol message that may be in the given HTTP response.

Private Methods

Method Description
InitializeBindingElements ( IAuthorizationServer authorizationServer ) : IChannelBindingElement[]

Initializes the binding elements for the OAuth channel.

Method Details

OAuth2AuthorizationServerChannel() protected method

Initializes a new instance of the OAuth2AuthorizationServerChannel class.
protected OAuth2AuthorizationServerChannel ( IAuthorizationServer authorizationServer ) : System
authorizationServer IAuthorizationServer The authorization server.
return System

PrepareDirectResponse() protected method

Queues a message for sending in the response stream.
This method implements spec OAuth V1.0 section 5.3.
protected PrepareDirectResponse ( IProtocolMessage response ) : DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.OutgoingWebResponse
response IProtocolMessage The message to send as a response.
return DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.OutgoingWebResponse

ReadFromRequestCore() protected method

Gets the protocol message that may be embedded in the given HTTP request.
protected ReadFromRequestCore ( System.Web.HttpRequestBase request ) : IDirectedProtocolMessage
request System.Web.HttpRequestBase The request to search for an embedded message.
return IDirectedProtocolMessage

ReadFromResponseCore() protected method

Gets the protocol message that may be in the given HTTP response.
Thrown when the response is not valid.
protected ReadFromResponseCore ( DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.IncomingWebResponse response ) : string>.IDictionary
response DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.IncomingWebResponse The response that is anticipated to contain an protocol message.
return string>.IDictionary