C# Class Dev2.Studio.Core.Utils.NewWorkflowNames

Used for storing all the used workflow names and getting the next available name
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Public Methods

Method Description
Add ( string newWorkflowName ) : bool

Add a used name to the WorkflowNamesHashSet

Contains ( string nameToCheck ) : bool

Check if the HashSet contains the specified name

GetNext ( ) : string

Gets the next available name to use for createing new workflow

NewWorkflowNames ( ) : System
Remove ( string nameToRemove ) : bool

Remove a name from WorkflowNamesHashSet so i can be reused

Method Details

Add() public method

Add a used name to the WorkflowNamesHashSet
public Add ( string newWorkflowName ) : bool
newWorkflowName string
return bool

Contains() public method

Check if the HashSet contains the specified name
public Contains ( string nameToCheck ) : bool
nameToCheck string
return bool

GetNext() public method

Gets the next available name to use for createing new workflow
public GetNext ( ) : string
return string

NewWorkflowNames() public method

public NewWorkflowNames ( ) : System
return System

Remove() public method

Remove a name from WorkflowNamesHashSet so i can be reused
public Remove ( string nameToRemove ) : bool
nameToRemove string
return bool