C# Class DataDictionary.Functions.Procedure

Inheritance: Generated.Procedure, ISubDeclarator, ICallable, ITextualExplain, IGraphicalDisplay
Mostrar archivo Open project: ERTMSSolutions/ERTMSFormalSpecs Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AddModelElement ( IModelElement element ) : void

Adds a model element in this model element

AdditionalChecks ( ModelElement root, Expression>.Dictionary actualParameters ) : void

Perform additional checks based on the parameter types

ClearAllRequirements ( ) : void

Clears all requirements from this procedure and all sub-rules

CreateDefault ( ICollection enclosingCollection ) : Procedure

Creates a default element

CreateProcedureUpdate ( Dictionary dictionary ) : Procedure

Creates a copy of the procedure in the designated dictionary. The namespace structure is copied over. The new procedure is set to update this one.

CreateStatusMessage ( ) : string

Creates the status message

Find ( string name, List retVal ) : void

Appends the INamable which match the name provided in retVal

FindRule ( string name ) : DataDictionary.Rules.Rule

Provides the rule which corresponds to the name provided

GetExplain ( TextualExplanation explanation, bool explainSubElements ) : void

Builds the explanation of the element

GetFormalParameter ( string name ) : Parameter

Provides the formal parameter whose name corresponds to the name provided

InitDeclaredElements ( ) : void

Initialises the declared elements

ModeForParameter ( Parameter parameter ) : Usage.ModeEnum

Provides the mode of the corresponding parameters

RecoverUpdateInformation ( ) : void

Ensures that all the update information is removed from this procedure

SetUpdateInformation ( ModelElement source ) : void

Sets the update information for this procedure

Method Details

AddModelElement() public method

Adds a model element in this model element
public AddModelElement ( IModelElement element ) : void
element IModelElement
return void

AdditionalChecks() public method

Perform additional checks based on the parameter types
public AdditionalChecks ( ModelElement root, Expression>.Dictionary actualParameters ) : void
root ModelElement The element on which the errors should be reported
actualParameters Expression>.Dictionary The parameters applied to this function call
return void

ClearAllRequirements() public method

Clears all requirements from this procedure and all sub-rules
public ClearAllRequirements ( ) : void
return void

CreateDefault() public static method

Creates a default element
public static CreateDefault ( ICollection enclosingCollection ) : Procedure
enclosingCollection ICollection
return Procedure

CreateProcedureUpdate() public method

Creates a copy of the procedure in the designated dictionary. The namespace structure is copied over. The new procedure is set to update this one.
public CreateProcedureUpdate ( Dictionary dictionary ) : Procedure
dictionary Dictionary The target dictionary of the copy
return Procedure

CreateStatusMessage() public method

Creates the status message
public CreateStatusMessage ( ) : string
return string

Find() public method

Appends the INamable which match the name provided in retVal
public Find ( string name, List retVal ) : void
name string
retVal List
return void

FindRule() public method

Provides the rule which corresponds to the name provided
public FindRule ( string name ) : DataDictionary.Rules.Rule
name string
return DataDictionary.Rules.Rule

GetExplain() public method

Builds the explanation of the element
public GetExplain ( TextualExplanation explanation, bool explainSubElements ) : void
explanation TextualExplanation
explainSubElements bool Precises if we need to explain the sub elements (if any)
return void

GetFormalParameter() public method

Provides the formal parameter whose name corresponds to the name provided
public GetFormalParameter ( string name ) : Parameter
name string
return Parameter

InitDeclaredElements() public method

Initialises the declared elements
public InitDeclaredElements ( ) : void
return void

ModeForParameter() public method

Provides the mode of the corresponding parameters
public ModeForParameter ( Parameter parameter ) : Usage.ModeEnum
parameter Parameter
return Usage.ModeEnum

RecoverUpdateInformation() public method

Ensures that all the update information is removed from this procedure
public RecoverUpdateInformation ( ) : void
return void

SetUpdateInformation() public method

Sets the update information for this procedure
public SetUpdateInformation ( ModelElement source ) : void
source ModelElement The source procedure this procedure updates
return void