C# Class ComponentFactory.Krypton.Docking.KryptonDockableNavigator

Inheritance: ComponentFactory.Krypton.Navigator.KryptonNavigator
Mostrar archivo Open project: ComponentFactory/Krypton Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
KryptonDockableNavigator ( ) : System

Initialize a new instance of the KryptonDockableNavigator class.

Protected Methods

Method Description
OnCellPageInserting ( KryptonPageEventArgs e ) : void

Raises the CellPageInserting event.

OnPageDropDownClicked ( CancelDropDownEventArgs e ) : void

Raises the PageDropDownClicked event.

Private Methods

Method Description
OnPagesInserting ( object sender, TypedCollectionEventArgs e ) : void
OnShowContextMenu ( object sender, ShowContextMenuArgs e ) : void

Method Details

KryptonDockableNavigator() public method

Initialize a new instance of the KryptonDockableNavigator class.
public KryptonDockableNavigator ( ) : System
return System

OnCellPageInserting() protected method

Raises the CellPageInserting event.
protected OnCellPageInserting ( KryptonPageEventArgs e ) : void
e KryptonPageEventArgs An KryptonPageEventArgs containing the event data.
return void

OnPageDropDownClicked() protected method

Raises the PageDropDownClicked event.
protected OnPageDropDownClicked ( CancelDropDownEventArgs e ) : void
e CancelDropDownEventArgs An CancelDropDownEventArgs containing the event data.
return void