C# Class CmisSync.Lib.Cmis.RepositoryStatusAggregator

Repository status aggregator. All added repositories are used to calculate an aggregated sync status over all repos.
Inheritance: INotifyPropertyChanged
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Public Methods

Method Description
Add ( INotifyRepositoryPropertyChanged repo ) : void

Add the specified repo.

Remove ( INotifyRepositoryPropertyChanged repo ) : void

Remove the specified repo.

RepositoryStatusAggregator ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the CmisSync.Lib.Cmis.RepositoryStatusAggregator class.

Private Methods

Method Description
AnyDateChanged ( ) : void
AnyNumberChanged ( ) : void
AnyStatusChanged ( ) : void
NotifyPropertyChanged ( string propertyName ) : void

This method is called by the Set accessor of each property.

Method Details

Add() public method

Add the specified repo.
public Add ( INotifyRepositoryPropertyChanged repo ) : void
repo INotifyRepositoryPropertyChanged Repository to listen to.
return void

Remove() public method

Remove the specified repo.
public Remove ( INotifyRepositoryPropertyChanged repo ) : void
repo INotifyRepositoryPropertyChanged Repository to stop listening to.
return void

RepositoryStatusAggregator() public method

Initializes a new instance of the CmisSync.Lib.Cmis.RepositoryStatusAggregator class.
public RepositoryStatusAggregator ( ) : System
return System