C# Class Castle.Core.Logging.StreamLogger

Inheritance: LevelFilteredLogger, IDisposable
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Public Methods

Method Description
Close ( ) : void
CreateChildLogger ( string name ) : ILogger
Dispose ( ) : void
StreamLogger ( String name, Stream stream ) : System

Creates a new StreamLogger with default encoding and buffer size. Initial Level is set to Debug.

StreamLogger ( String name, Stream stream, Encoding encoding ) : System

Creates a new StreamLogger with default buffer size. Initial Level is set to Debug.

StreamLogger ( String name, Stream stream, Encoding encoding, int bufferSize ) : System

Creates a new StreamLogger. Initial Level is set to Debug.

Protected Methods

Method Description
Close ( bool supressFinalize ) : void
Log ( LoggerLevel level, String name, String message, Exception exception ) : void
StreamLogger ( String name, StreamWriter writer ) : System

Creates a new StreamLogger with Debug as default Level.

Method Details

Close() public method

public Close ( ) : void
return void

Close() protected method

protected Close ( bool supressFinalize ) : void
supressFinalize bool
return void

CreateChildLogger() public method

public CreateChildLogger ( string name ) : ILogger
name string
return ILogger

Dispose() public method

public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

Log() protected method

protected Log ( LoggerLevel level, String name, String message, Exception exception ) : void
level LoggerLevel
name String
message String
exception System.Exception
return void

StreamLogger() public method

Creates a new StreamLogger with default encoding and buffer size. Initial Level is set to Debug.
public StreamLogger ( String name, Stream stream ) : System
name String /// The name of the log. ///
stream Stream /// The stream that will be used for logging, /// seeking while the logger is alive ///
return System

StreamLogger() public method

Creates a new StreamLogger with default buffer size. Initial Level is set to Debug.
public StreamLogger ( String name, Stream stream, Encoding encoding ) : System
name String /// The name of the log. ///
stream Stream /// The stream that will be used for logging, /// seeking while the logger is alive ///
encoding System.Text.Encoding /// The encoding that will be used for this stream. /// ///
return System

StreamLogger() public method

Creates a new StreamLogger. Initial Level is set to Debug.
public StreamLogger ( String name, Stream stream, Encoding encoding, int bufferSize ) : System
name String /// The name of the log. ///
stream Stream /// The stream that will be used for logging, /// seeking while the logger is alive ///
encoding System.Text.Encoding /// The encoding that will be used for this stream. /// ///
bufferSize int /// The buffer size that will be used for this stream. /// ///
return System

StreamLogger() protected method

Creates a new StreamLogger with Debug as default Level.
protected StreamLogger ( String name, StreamWriter writer ) : System
name String The name of the log.
writer System.IO.StreamWriter The StreamWriter the log will write to.
return System