C# Class Box2D.Common.Transform

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
P Vec2
Q Rot

Public Methods

Method Description
Mul ( Transform A, Transform B ) : Transform
Mul ( Transform T, Vec2 v ) : Vec2
MulToOut ( Transform A, Transform B, Transform result ) : void
MulToOut ( Transform T, Vec2 v, Vec2 result ) : void
MulToOutUnsafe ( Transform A, Transform B, Transform result ) : void
MulToOutUnsafe ( Transform T, Vec2 v, Vec2 result ) : void
MulTrans ( Transform A, Transform B ) : Transform
MulTrans ( Transform T, Vec2 v ) : Vec2
MulTransToOut ( Transform A, Transform B, Transform result ) : void
MulTransToOut ( Transform T, Vec2 v, Vec2 result ) : void
MulTransToOutUnsafe ( Transform A, Transform B, Transform result ) : void
MulTransToOutUnsafe ( Transform T, Vec2 v, Vec2 result ) : void
Set ( Transform xf ) : Transform

Set this to equal another transform.

Set ( Vec2 p, float angle ) : void

Set this based on the position and angle.

SetIdentity ( ) : void

Set this to the identity transform.

ToString ( ) : String
Transform ( ) : System

The default constructor.

Transform ( Transform xf ) : System

Initialize as a copy of another transform.

Transform ( Vec2 position, Rot r ) : System

Initialize using a position vector and a rotation matrix.

Method Details

Mul() public static method

public static Mul ( Transform A, Transform B ) : Transform
A Transform
B Transform
return Transform

Mul() public static method

public static Mul ( Transform T, Vec2 v ) : Vec2
T Transform
v Vec2
return Vec2

MulToOut() public static method

public static MulToOut ( Transform A, Transform B, Transform result ) : void
A Transform
B Transform
result Transform
return void

MulToOut() public static method

public static MulToOut ( Transform T, Vec2 v, Vec2 result ) : void
T Transform
v Vec2
result Vec2
return void

MulToOutUnsafe() public static method

public static MulToOutUnsafe ( Transform A, Transform B, Transform result ) : void
A Transform
B Transform
result Transform
return void

MulToOutUnsafe() public static method

public static MulToOutUnsafe ( Transform T, Vec2 v, Vec2 result ) : void
T Transform
v Vec2
result Vec2
return void

MulTrans() public static method

public static MulTrans ( Transform A, Transform B ) : Transform
A Transform
B Transform
return Transform

MulTrans() public static method

public static MulTrans ( Transform T, Vec2 v ) : Vec2
T Transform
v Vec2
return Vec2

MulTransToOut() public static method

public static MulTransToOut ( Transform A, Transform B, Transform result ) : void
A Transform
B Transform
result Transform
return void

MulTransToOut() public static method

public static MulTransToOut ( Transform T, Vec2 v, Vec2 result ) : void
T Transform
v Vec2
result Vec2
return void

MulTransToOutUnsafe() public static method

public static MulTransToOutUnsafe ( Transform A, Transform B, Transform result ) : void
A Transform
B Transform
result Transform
return void

MulTransToOutUnsafe() public static method

public static MulTransToOutUnsafe ( Transform T, Vec2 v, Vec2 result ) : void
T Transform
v Vec2
result Vec2
return void

Set() public method

Set this to equal another transform.
public Set ( Transform xf ) : Transform
xf Transform
return Transform

Set() public method

Set this based on the position and angle.
public Set ( Vec2 p, float angle ) : void
p Vec2
angle float
return void

SetIdentity() public method

Set this to the identity transform.
public SetIdentity ( ) : void
return void

ToString() public method

public ToString ( ) : String
return String

Transform() public method

The default constructor.
public Transform ( ) : System
return System

Transform() public method

Initialize as a copy of another transform.
public Transform ( Transform xf ) : System
xf Transform
return System

Transform() public method

Initialize using a position vector and a rotation matrix.
public Transform ( Vec2 position, Rot r ) : System
position Vec2
r Rot
return System

Property Details

P public_oe property

The translation caused by the transform
public Vec2,Box2D.Common P
return Vec2

Q public_oe property

A matrix representing a rotation
public Rot,Box2D.Common Q
return Rot