C# Class ApiExamples.ExTableColumn.Column

Represents a facade object for a column of a table in a Microsoft Word document.
Mostrar archivo Open project: aspose-words/Aspose.Words-for-.NET

Public Methods

Method Description
FromIndex ( Table table, int columnIndex ) : Column

Returns a new column facade from the table and supplied zero-based index.

IndexOf ( Cell cell ) : int

Returns the index of the given cell in the column.

InsertColumnBefore ( ) : Column

Inserts a brand new column before this column into the table.

Remove ( ) : void

Removes the column from the table.

ToTxt ( ) : string

Returns the text of the column.

Private Methods

Method Description
Column ( Table table, int columnIndex ) : System
GetColumnCells ( ) : ArrayList

Provides an up-to-date collection of cells which make up the column represented by this facade.

Method Details

FromIndex() public static method

Returns a new column facade from the table and supplied zero-based index.
public static FromIndex ( Table table, int columnIndex ) : Column
table Table
columnIndex int
return Column

IndexOf() public method

Returns the index of the given cell in the column.
public IndexOf ( Cell cell ) : int
cell Cell
return int

InsertColumnBefore() public method

Inserts a brand new column before this column into the table.
public InsertColumnBefore ( ) : Column
return Column

Remove() public method

Removes the column from the table.
public Remove ( ) : void
return void

ToTxt() public method

Returns the text of the column.
public ToTxt ( ) : string
return string