C# Class Akka.Persistence.Sql.Common.Snapshot.SnapshotEntry

Flattened and serialized snapshot object used as intermediate representation before saving snapshot with metadata inside SQL Server database.
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
PersistenceId string
SequenceNr long
Snapshot byte[]
SnapshotType string
Timestamp System.DateTime

Public Methods

Method Description
SnapshotEntry ( string persistenceId, long sequenceNr, System.DateTime timestamp, string snapshotType, byte snapshot ) : System

Method Details

SnapshotEntry() public method

public SnapshotEntry ( string persistenceId, long sequenceNr, System.DateTime timestamp, string snapshotType, byte snapshot ) : System
persistenceId string
sequenceNr long
timestamp System.DateTime
snapshotType string
snapshot byte
return System

Property Details

PersistenceId public_oe property

Persistence identifier of persistent actor, current snapshot relates to.
public string PersistenceId
return string

SequenceNr public_oe property

Sequence number used to identify snapshot in it's persistent actor scope.
public long SequenceNr
return long

Snapshot public_oe property

Serialized object data.
public byte[] Snapshot
return byte[]

SnapshotType public_oe property

Stringified fully qualified CLR type name of the serialized object.
public string SnapshotType
return string

Timestamp public_oe property

Timestamp used to specify date, when the snapshot has been made.
public DateTime,System Timestamp
return System.DateTime