C# Class Akka.Actor.AddressTerminated

INTERNAL API Used for remote death watch. Failure detectors publish this to the AddressTerminatedTopic when a remote node is detected to be unreachable and / or decided to be removed. The watcher DeathWatch subscribes to the AddressTerminatedTopic and translates this event to Terminated, which is sent to itself.
Inheritance: IAutoReceivedMessage, IPossiblyHarmful
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Public Methods

Method Description
AddressTerminated ( Akka.Actor.Address address ) : Akka.Event
ToString ( ) : string

Method Details

AddressTerminated() public method

public AddressTerminated ( Akka.Actor.Address address ) : Akka.Event
address Akka.Actor.Address
return Akka.Event

ToString() public method

public ToString ( ) : string
return string