C# Class keyspace_client, keyspace

Mostrar archivo Open project: scalien/keyspace

Public Methods

Method Description
Keyspace_Add ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string key, long num ) : int
Keyspace_AddStr ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string key, string num ) : int
Keyspace_Begin ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client ) : int
Keyspace_Cancel ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client ) : int
Keyspace_ClearExpiries ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client ) : int
Keyspace_Count ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, ulong count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
Keyspace_CountStr ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, string count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
Keyspace_Create ( ) : SWIGTYPE_p_void,
Keyspace_Delete ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string key ) : int
Keyspace_Destroy ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client ) : void
Keyspace_DirtyCount ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, ulong count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
Keyspace_DirtyCountStr ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, string count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
Keyspace_DirtyGet ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string key ) : int
Keyspace_DirtyListKeyValues ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, ulong count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
Keyspace_DirtyListKeyValuesStr ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, string count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
Keyspace_DirtyListKeys ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, ulong count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
Keyspace_DirtyListKeysStr ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, string count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
Keyspace_DistributeDirty ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, bool dd ) : void
Keyspace_Get ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string key ) : int
Keyspace_GetGlobalTimeout ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client ) : ulong
Keyspace_GetMaster ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client ) : int
Keyspace_GetMasterTimeout ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client ) : ulong
Keyspace_GetResult ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, arg0 ) : SWIGTYPE_p_void,
Keyspace_Init ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, Keyspace_NodeParams, arg1 ) : int
Keyspace_IsBatched ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client ) : bool
Keyspace_ListKeyValues ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, ulong count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
Keyspace_ListKeyValuesStr ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, string count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
Keyspace_ListKeys ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, ulong count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
Keyspace_ListKeysStr ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, string count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
Keyspace_Prune ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix ) : int
Keyspace_Remove ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string key ) : int
Keyspace_RemoveExpiry ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string key ) : int
Keyspace_Rename ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string from, string to ) : int
Keyspace_ResultBegin ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, result ) : void
Keyspace_ResultClose ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, result ) : void
Keyspace_ResultCommandStatus ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, result ) : int
Keyspace_ResultConnectivityStatus ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, result ) : int
Keyspace_ResultIsEnd ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, result ) : bool
Keyspace_ResultKey ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, result ) : string
Keyspace_ResultNext ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, result ) : void
Keyspace_ResultTimeoutStatus ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, result ) : int
Keyspace_ResultTransportStatus ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, result ) : int
Keyspace_ResultValue ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, result ) : string
Keyspace_Set ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string key, string value ) : int
Keyspace_SetExpiry ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string key, int exptime ) : int
Keyspace_SetGlobalTimeout ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, ulong timeout ) : void
Keyspace_SetMasterTimeout ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, ulong timeout ) : void
Keyspace_SetTrace ( bool trace ) : void
Keyspace_Submit ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client ) : int
Keyspace_TestAndSet ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string key, string test, string value ) : int
imaxabs ( long n ) : long
imaxdiv ( long numer, long denom ) : imaxdiv_t,
strtoimax ( string nptr, SWIGTYPE_p_p_char, endptr, int arg2 ) : long
strtoumax ( string nptr, SWIGTYPE_p_p_char, endptr, int arg2 ) : ulong

Method Details

Keyspace_Add() public static method

public static Keyspace_Add ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string key, long num ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
key string
num long
return int

Keyspace_AddStr() public static method

public static Keyspace_AddStr ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string key, string num ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
key string
num string
return int

Keyspace_Begin() public static method

public static Keyspace_Begin ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
return int

Keyspace_Cancel() public static method

public static Keyspace_Cancel ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
return int

Keyspace_ClearExpiries() public static method

public static Keyspace_ClearExpiries ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
return int

Keyspace_Count() public static method

public static Keyspace_Count ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, ulong count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
prefix string
startKey string
count ulong
next bool
forward bool
return int

Keyspace_CountStr() public static method

public static Keyspace_CountStr ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, string count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
prefix string
startKey string
count string
next bool
forward bool
return int

Keyspace_Create() public static method

public static Keyspace_Create ( ) : SWIGTYPE_p_void,
return SWIGTYPE_p_void,

Keyspace_Delete() public static method

public static Keyspace_Delete ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string key ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
key string
return int

Keyspace_Destroy() public static method

public static Keyspace_Destroy ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client ) : void
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
return void

Keyspace_DirtyCount() public static method

public static Keyspace_DirtyCount ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, ulong count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
prefix string
startKey string
count ulong
next bool
forward bool
return int

Keyspace_DirtyCountStr() public static method

public static Keyspace_DirtyCountStr ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, string count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
prefix string
startKey string
count string
next bool
forward bool
return int

Keyspace_DirtyGet() public static method

public static Keyspace_DirtyGet ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string key ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
key string
return int

Keyspace_DirtyListKeyValues() public static method

public static Keyspace_DirtyListKeyValues ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, ulong count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
prefix string
startKey string
count ulong
next bool
forward bool
return int

Keyspace_DirtyListKeyValuesStr() public static method

public static Keyspace_DirtyListKeyValuesStr ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, string count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
prefix string
startKey string
count string
next bool
forward bool
return int

Keyspace_DirtyListKeys() public static method

public static Keyspace_DirtyListKeys ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, ulong count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
prefix string
startKey string
count ulong
next bool
forward bool
return int

Keyspace_DirtyListKeysStr() public static method

public static Keyspace_DirtyListKeysStr ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, string count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
prefix string
startKey string
count string
next bool
forward bool
return int

Keyspace_DistributeDirty() public static method

public static Keyspace_DistributeDirty ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, bool dd ) : void
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
dd bool
return void

Keyspace_Get() public static method

public static Keyspace_Get ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string key ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
key string
return int

Keyspace_GetGlobalTimeout() public static method

public static Keyspace_GetGlobalTimeout ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client ) : ulong
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
return ulong

Keyspace_GetMaster() public static method

public static Keyspace_GetMaster ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
return int

Keyspace_GetMasterTimeout() public static method

public static Keyspace_GetMasterTimeout ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client ) : ulong
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
return ulong

Keyspace_GetResult() public static method

public static Keyspace_GetResult ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, arg0 ) : SWIGTYPE_p_void,
arg0 SWIGTYPE_p_void,
return SWIGTYPE_p_void,

Keyspace_Init() public static method

public static Keyspace_Init ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, Keyspace_NodeParams, arg1 ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
arg1 Keyspace_NodeParams,
return int

Keyspace_IsBatched() public static method

public static Keyspace_IsBatched ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client ) : bool
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
return bool

Keyspace_ListKeyValues() public static method

public static Keyspace_ListKeyValues ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, ulong count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
prefix string
startKey string
count ulong
next bool
forward bool
return int

Keyspace_ListKeyValuesStr() public static method

public static Keyspace_ListKeyValuesStr ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, string count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
prefix string
startKey string
count string
next bool
forward bool
return int

Keyspace_ListKeys() public static method

public static Keyspace_ListKeys ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, ulong count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
prefix string
startKey string
count ulong
next bool
forward bool
return int

Keyspace_ListKeysStr() public static method

public static Keyspace_ListKeysStr ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix, string startKey, string count, bool next, bool forward ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
prefix string
startKey string
count string
next bool
forward bool
return int

Keyspace_Prune() public static method

public static Keyspace_Prune ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string prefix ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
prefix string
return int

Keyspace_Remove() public static method

public static Keyspace_Remove ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string key ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
key string
return int

Keyspace_RemoveExpiry() public static method

public static Keyspace_RemoveExpiry ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string key ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
key string
return int

Keyspace_Rename() public static method

public static Keyspace_Rename ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string from, string to ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
from string
to string
return int

Keyspace_ResultBegin() public static method

public static Keyspace_ResultBegin ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, result ) : void
result SWIGTYPE_p_void,
return void

Keyspace_ResultClose() public static method

public static Keyspace_ResultClose ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, result ) : void
result SWIGTYPE_p_void,
return void

Keyspace_ResultCommandStatus() public static method

public static Keyspace_ResultCommandStatus ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, result ) : int
result SWIGTYPE_p_void,
return int

Keyspace_ResultConnectivityStatus() public static method

public static Keyspace_ResultConnectivityStatus ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, result ) : int
result SWIGTYPE_p_void,
return int

Keyspace_ResultIsEnd() public static method

public static Keyspace_ResultIsEnd ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, result ) : bool
result SWIGTYPE_p_void,
return bool

Keyspace_ResultKey() public static method

public static Keyspace_ResultKey ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, result ) : string
result SWIGTYPE_p_void,
return string

Keyspace_ResultNext() public static method

public static Keyspace_ResultNext ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, result ) : void
result SWIGTYPE_p_void,
return void

Keyspace_ResultTimeoutStatus() public static method

public static Keyspace_ResultTimeoutStatus ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, result ) : int
result SWIGTYPE_p_void,
return int

Keyspace_ResultTransportStatus() public static method

public static Keyspace_ResultTransportStatus ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, result ) : int
result SWIGTYPE_p_void,
return int

Keyspace_ResultValue() public static method

public static Keyspace_ResultValue ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, result ) : string
result SWIGTYPE_p_void,
return string

Keyspace_Set() public static method

public static Keyspace_Set ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string key, string value ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
key string
value string
return int

Keyspace_SetExpiry() public static method

public static Keyspace_SetExpiry ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string key, int exptime ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
key string
exptime int
return int

Keyspace_SetGlobalTimeout() public static method

public static Keyspace_SetGlobalTimeout ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, ulong timeout ) : void
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
timeout ulong
return void

Keyspace_SetMasterTimeout() public static method

public static Keyspace_SetMasterTimeout ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, ulong timeout ) : void
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
timeout ulong
return void

Keyspace_SetTrace() public static method

public static Keyspace_SetTrace ( bool trace ) : void
trace bool
return void

Keyspace_Submit() public static method

public static Keyspace_Submit ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
return int

Keyspace_TestAndSet() public static method

public static Keyspace_TestAndSet ( SWIGTYPE_p_void, client, string key, string test, string value ) : int
client SWIGTYPE_p_void,
key string
test string
value string
return int

imaxabs() public static method

public static imaxabs ( long n ) : long
n long
return long

imaxdiv() public static method

public static imaxdiv ( long numer, long denom ) : imaxdiv_t,
numer long
denom long
return imaxdiv_t,

strtoimax() public static method

public static strtoimax ( string nptr, SWIGTYPE_p_p_char, endptr, int arg2 ) : long
nptr string
endptr SWIGTYPE_p_p_char,
arg2 int
return long

strtoumax() public static method

public static strtoumax ( string nptr, SWIGTYPE_p_p_char, endptr, int arg2 ) : ulong
nptr string
endptr SWIGTYPE_p_p_char,
arg2 int
return ulong