C# Class iTweenExtensions, centauri-tac

Mostrar archivo Open project: dshook/centauri-tac

Public Methods

Method Description
AudioFrom ( this go, float volume, float pitch, float time, float delay ) : void

Instantly changes an AudioSource's volume and pitch then returns it to it's starting volume and pitch over time. Default AudioSource attached to GameObject will be used.

AudioFrom ( this go, float volume, float pitch, float time, float delay, LoopType loopType ) : void

Instantly changes an AudioSource's volume and pitch then returns it to it's starting volume and pitch over time. Default AudioSource attached to GameObject will be used.

AudioTo ( this go, float volume, float pitch, float time, float delay ) : void

Fades volume and pitch of an AudioSource. Default AudioSource attached to GameObject will be used.

AudioTo ( this go, float volume, float pitch, float time, float delay, LoopType loopType ) : void

Fades volume and pitch of an AudioSource. Default AudioSource attached to GameObject will be used.

AudioUpdate ( this go, float volume, float pitch, float time ) : void

Similar to AudioTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values. Does not utilize an EaseType.

ColorFrom ( this go, Color color, float time, float delay ) : void

Changes a GameObject's color values instantly then returns them to the provided properties over time. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation.

ColorFrom ( this go, Color color, float time, float delay, LoopType loopType ) : void

Changes a GameObject's color values instantly then returns them to the provided properties over time. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation.

ColorTo ( this go, Color color, float time, float delay ) : void

Changes a GameObject's color values over time. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, they will become the target of the animation.

ColorTo ( this go, Color color, float time, float delay, LoopType loopType ) : void

Changes a GameObject's color values over time. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, they will become the target of the animation.

ColorUpdate ( this go, Color color, float time ) : void

Similar to ColorTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values. Does not utilize an EaseType.

FadeFrom ( this go, float alpha, float time, float delay ) : void

Changes a GameObject's alpha value instantly then returns it to the provided alpha over time. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation. Identical to using ColorFrom and using the "a" parameter.

FadeFrom ( this go, float alpha, float time, float delay, LoopType loopType ) : void

Changes a GameObject's alpha value instantly then returns it to the provided alpha over time. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation. Identical to using ColorFrom and using the "a" parameter.

FadeTo ( this go, float alpha, float time, float delay ) : void

Changes a GameObject's alpha value over time. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation. Identical to using ColorTo and using the "a" parameter.

FadeTo ( this go, float alpha, float time, float delay, LoopType loopType ) : void

Changes a GameObject's alpha value over time. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation. Identical to using ColorTo and using the "a" parameter.

FadeUpdate ( this go, float alpha, float time ) : void

Similar to FadeTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values. Does not utilize an EaseType.

Init ( this go ) : void

Sets up a GameObject to avoid hiccups when an initial iTween is added. It's advisable to run this on every object you intend to run iTween on in its Start or Awake.

LookFrom ( this go, Vector3 lookTarget, float time, float delay ) : void

Instantly rotates a GameObject to look at the supplied Vector3 then returns it to it's starting rotation over time.

LookFrom ( this go, Vector3 lookTarget, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void

Instantly rotates a GameObject to look at the supplied Vector3 then returns it to it's starting rotation over time.

LookFrom ( this go, Vector3 lookTarget, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType looptype ) : void

Instantly rotates a GameObject to look at the supplied Vector3 then returns it to it's starting rotation over time.

LookTo ( this go, Vector3 lookTarget, float time, float delay ) : void

Rotates a GameObject to look at the supplied Vector3 over time.

LookTo ( this go, Vector3 lookTarget, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void

Rotates a GameObject to look at the supplied Vector3 over time.

LookTo ( this go, Vector3 lookTarget, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void

Rotates a GameObject to look at the supplied Vector3 over time.

LookUpdate ( this go, Vector3 lookTarget, float time ) : void

Similar to LookTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values. Does not utilize an EaseType.

MoveAdd ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void

Translates a GameObject's position over time.

MoveAdd ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void

Translates a GameObject's position over time.

MoveAdd ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void

Translates a GameObject's position over time.

MoveBy ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void

Adds the supplied coordinates to a GameObject's position.

MoveBy ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void

Adds the supplied coordinates to a GameObject's position.

MoveBy ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void

Adds the supplied coordinates to a GameObject's position.

MoveFrom ( this go, Vector3 position, float time, float delay ) : void

Instantly changes a GameObject's position to a supplied destination then returns it to it's starting position over time.

MoveFrom ( this go, Vector3 position, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void

Instantly changes a GameObject's position to a supplied destination then returns it to it's starting position over time.

MoveFrom ( this go, Vector3 position, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void

Instantly changes a GameObject's position to a supplied destination then returns it to it's starting position over time.

MoveTo ( this go, Transform path, float time, float delay ) : void

Changes a GameObject's position over time along a supplied path.

MoveTo ( this go, Transform path, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void

Changes a GameObject's position over time along a supplied path.

MoveTo ( this go, Transform path, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void

Changes a GameObject's position over time along a supplied path.

MoveTo ( this go, Vector3 position, float time, float delay ) : void

Changes a GameObject's position over time to a supplied destination.

MoveTo ( this go, Vector3 position, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void

Changes a GameObject's position over time to a supplied destination.

MoveTo ( this go, Vector3 position, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void

Changes a GameObject's position over time to a supplied destination.

MoveToLocal ( this go, Vector3 position, float time, float delay ) : void

Changes a GameObject's position over time to a supplied destination using local space

MoveToLocal ( this go, Vector3 position, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void
MoveUpdate ( this go, Vector3 position, float time ) : void

Similar to MoveTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values. Does not utilize an EaseType.

MoveUpdateLocal ( this go, Vector3 position, float time ) : void
PunchPosition ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void

Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's position and wobbles it back to its initial position.

PunchRotation ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void

Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's rotation and wobbles it back to its initial rotation.

PunchScale ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void

Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's scale and wobbles it back to its initial scale.

PutOnPath ( this go, Transform path, float percent ) : void

Puts a GameObject on a path at the provided percentage.

PutOnPath ( this go, Vector3 path, float percent ) : void

Puts a GameObject on a path at the provided percentage.

RotateAdd ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void

Adds supplied Euler angles in degrees to a GameObject's rotation over time.

RotateAdd ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void

Adds supplied Euler angles in degrees to a GameObject's rotation over time.

RotateAdd ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void

Adds supplied Euler angles in degrees to a GameObject's rotation over time.

RotateBy ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void

Multiplies supplied values by 360 and rotates a GameObject by calculated amount over time.

RotateBy ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void

Multiplies supplied values by 360 and rotates a GameObject by calculated amount over time.

RotateBy ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void

Multiplies supplied values by 360 and rotates a GameObject by calculated amount over time.

RotateFrom ( this go, Vector3 rotation, float time, float delay ) : void

Instantly changes a GameObject's Euler angles in degrees then returns it to it's starting rotation over time.

RotateFrom ( this go, Vector3 rotation, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void

Instantly changes a GameObject's Euler angles in degrees then returns it to it's starting rotation over time.

RotateFrom ( this go, Vector3 rotation, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void

Instantly changes a GameObject's Euler angles in degrees then returns it to it's starting rotation over time.

RotateTo ( this go, Vector3 rotation, float time, float delay ) : void

Rotates a GameObject to the supplied Euler angles in degrees over time.

RotateTo ( this go, Vector3 rotation, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void

Rotates a GameObject to the supplied Euler angles in degrees over time.

RotateTo ( this go, Vector3 rotation, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void

Rotates a GameObject to the supplied Euler angles in degrees over time.

RotateUpdate ( this go, Vector3 rotation, float time ) : void

Similar to RotateTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values. Does not utilize an EaseType.

ScaleAdd ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void

Adds to a GameObject's scale over time.

ScaleAdd ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void

Adds to a GameObject's scale over time.

ScaleAdd ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void

Adds to a GameObject's scale over time.

ScaleBy ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void

Multiplies a GameObject's scale over time.

ScaleBy ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void


Multiplies a GameObject's scale over time.

ScaleBy ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void

Multiplies a GameObject's scale over time.

ScaleFrom ( this go, Vector3 scale, float time, float delay ) : void
ScaleFrom ( this go, Vector3 scale, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void

Instantly changes a GameObject's scale then returns it to it's starting scale over time.

ScaleFrom ( this go, Vector3 scale, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void

Instantly changes a GameObject's scale then returns it to it's starting scale over time.

ScaleTo ( this go, Vector3 scale, float time, float delay ) : void

Changes a GameObject's scale over time.

ScaleTo ( this go, Vector3 scale, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void

Changes a GameObject's scale over time.

ScaleTo ( this go, Vector3 scale, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void

Changes a GameObject's scale over time.

ScaleUpdate ( this go, Vector3 scale, float time ) : void

Similar to ScaleTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values. Does not utilize an EaseType.

ShakePosition ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void

Randomly shakes a GameObject's position by a diminishing amount over time.

ShakeRotation ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void

Randomly shakes a GameObject's rotation by a diminishing amount over time.

ShakeScale ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void

Randomly shakes a GameObject's scale by a diminishing amount over time.

Stab ( this go, AudioClip audioClip, float volume, float pitch, float delay ) : void

Plays an AudioClip once based on supplied volume and pitch and following any delay. AudioSource is optional as iTween will provide one.

Method Details

AudioFrom() public static method

Instantly changes an AudioSource's volume and pitch then returns it to it's starting volume and pitch over time. Default AudioSource attached to GameObject will be used.
public static AudioFrom ( this go, float volume, float pitch, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
volume float /// A ///
pitch float /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

AudioFrom() public static method

Instantly changes an AudioSource's volume and pitch then returns it to it's starting volume and pitch over time. Default AudioSource attached to GameObject will be used.
public static AudioFrom ( this go, float volume, float pitch, float time, float delay, LoopType loopType ) : void
go this
volume float /// A ///
pitch float /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
loopType LoopType
return void

AudioTo() public static method

Fades volume and pitch of an AudioSource. Default AudioSource attached to GameObject will be used.
public static AudioTo ( this go, float volume, float pitch, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
volume float /// A ///
pitch float /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

AudioTo() public static method

Fades volume and pitch of an AudioSource. Default AudioSource attached to GameObject will be used.
public static AudioTo ( this go, float volume, float pitch, float time, float delay, LoopType loopType ) : void
go this
volume float /// A ///
pitch float /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
loopType LoopType /// A ///
return void

AudioUpdate() public static method

Similar to AudioTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values. Does not utilize an EaseType.
public static AudioUpdate ( this go, float volume, float pitch, float time ) : void
go this
volume float /// A ///
pitch float /// A ///
time float /// A ///
return void

ColorFrom() public static method

Changes a GameObject's color values instantly then returns them to the provided properties over time. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation.
public static ColorFrom ( this go, Color color, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
color Color /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

ColorFrom() public static method

Changes a GameObject's color values instantly then returns them to the provided properties over time. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation.
public static ColorFrom ( this go, Color color, float time, float delay, LoopType loopType ) : void
go this
color Color /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
loopType LoopType /// A ///
return void

ColorTo() public static method

Changes a GameObject's color values over time. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, they will become the target of the animation.
public static ColorTo ( this go, Color color, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
color Color /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

ColorTo() public static method

Changes a GameObject's color values over time. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, they will become the target of the animation.
public static ColorTo ( this go, Color color, float time, float delay, LoopType loopType ) : void
go this
color Color /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
loopType LoopType /// A ///
return void

ColorUpdate() public static method

Similar to ColorTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values. Does not utilize an EaseType.
public static ColorUpdate ( this go, Color color, float time ) : void
go this
color Color /// A ///
time float /// A ///
return void

FadeFrom() public static method

Changes a GameObject's alpha value instantly then returns it to the provided alpha over time. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation. Identical to using ColorFrom and using the "a" parameter.
public static FadeFrom ( this go, float alpha, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
alpha float /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

FadeFrom() public static method

Changes a GameObject's alpha value instantly then returns it to the provided alpha over time. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation. Identical to using ColorFrom and using the "a" parameter.
public static FadeFrom ( this go, float alpha, float time, float delay, LoopType loopType ) : void
go this
alpha float /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
loopType LoopType /// A ///
return void

FadeTo() public static method

Changes a GameObject's alpha value over time. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation. Identical to using ColorTo and using the "a" parameter.
public static FadeTo ( this go, float alpha, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
alpha float /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

FadeTo() public static method

Changes a GameObject's alpha value over time. If a GUIText or GUITexture component is attached, it will become the target of the animation. Identical to using ColorTo and using the "a" parameter.
public static FadeTo ( this go, float alpha, float time, float delay, LoopType loopType ) : void
go this
alpha float /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
loopType LoopType /// A ///
return void

FadeUpdate() public static method

Similar to FadeTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values. Does not utilize an EaseType.
public static FadeUpdate ( this go, float alpha, float time ) : void
go this
alpha float /// A ///
time float /// A ///
return void

Init() public static method

Sets up a GameObject to avoid hiccups when an initial iTween is added. It's advisable to run this on every object you intend to run iTween on in its Start or Awake.
public static Init ( this go ) : void
go this
return void

LookFrom() public static method

Instantly rotates a GameObject to look at the supplied Vector3 then returns it to it's starting rotation over time.
public static LookFrom ( this go, Vector3 lookTarget, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
lookTarget Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

LookFrom() public static method

Instantly rotates a GameObject to look at the supplied Vector3 then returns it to it's starting rotation over time.
public static LookFrom ( this go, Vector3 lookTarget, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void
go this
lookTarget Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
return void

LookFrom() public static method

Instantly rotates a GameObject to look at the supplied Vector3 then returns it to it's starting rotation over time.
public static LookFrom ( this go, Vector3 lookTarget, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType looptype ) : void
go this
lookTarget Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
looptype LoopType /// A ///
return void

LookTo() public static method

Rotates a GameObject to look at the supplied Vector3 over time.
public static LookTo ( this go, Vector3 lookTarget, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
lookTarget Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

LookTo() public static method

Rotates a GameObject to look at the supplied Vector3 over time.
public static LookTo ( this go, Vector3 lookTarget, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void
go this
lookTarget Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
return void

LookTo() public static method

Rotates a GameObject to look at the supplied Vector3 over time.
public static LookTo ( this go, Vector3 lookTarget, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void
go this
lookTarget Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
loopType LoopType /// A ///
return void

LookUpdate() public static method

Similar to LookTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values. Does not utilize an EaseType.
public static LookUpdate ( this go, Vector3 lookTarget, float time ) : void
go this
lookTarget Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
return void

MoveAdd() public static method

Translates a GameObject's position over time.
public static MoveAdd ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

MoveAdd() public static method

Translates a GameObject's position over time.
public static MoveAdd ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
return void

MoveAdd() public static method

Translates a GameObject's position over time.
public static MoveAdd ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
loopType LoopType /// A ///
return void

MoveBy() public static method

Adds the supplied coordinates to a GameObject's position.
public static MoveBy ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

MoveBy() public static method

Adds the supplied coordinates to a GameObject's position.
public static MoveBy ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
return void

MoveBy() public static method

Adds the supplied coordinates to a GameObject's position.
public static MoveBy ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
loopType LoopType /// A ///
return void

MoveFrom() public static method

Instantly changes a GameObject's position to a supplied destination then returns it to it's starting position over time.
public static MoveFrom ( this go, Vector3 position, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
position Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

MoveFrom() public static method

Instantly changes a GameObject's position to a supplied destination then returns it to it's starting position over time.
public static MoveFrom ( this go, Vector3 position, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void
go this
position Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
return void

MoveFrom() public static method

Instantly changes a GameObject's position to a supplied destination then returns it to it's starting position over time.
public static MoveFrom ( this go, Vector3 position, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void
go this
position Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
loopType LoopType /// A ///
return void

MoveTo() public static method

Changes a GameObject's position over time along a supplied path.
public static MoveTo ( this go, Transform path, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
path Transform /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

MoveTo() public static method

Changes a GameObject's position over time along a supplied path.
public static MoveTo ( this go, Transform path, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void
go this /// A ///
path Transform /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
return void

MoveTo() public static method

Changes a GameObject's position over time along a supplied path.
public static MoveTo ( this go, Transform path, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void
go this /// A ///
path Transform /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
loopType LoopType /// A ///
return void

MoveTo() public static method

Changes a GameObject's position over time to a supplied destination.
public static MoveTo ( this go, Vector3 position, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
position Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

MoveTo() public static method

Changes a GameObject's position over time to a supplied destination.
public static MoveTo ( this go, Vector3 position, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void
go this
position Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
return void

MoveTo() public static method

Changes a GameObject's position over time to a supplied destination.
public static MoveTo ( this go, Vector3 position, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void
go this
position Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
loopType LoopType /// A ///
return void

MoveToLocal() public static method

Changes a GameObject's position over time to a supplied destination using local space
public static MoveToLocal ( this go, Vector3 position, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
position Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

MoveToLocal() public static method

public static MoveToLocal ( this go, Vector3 position, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void
go this
position Vector3
time float
delay float
easeType EaseType
return void

MoveUpdate() public static method

Similar to MoveTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values. Does not utilize an EaseType.
public static MoveUpdate ( this go, Vector3 position, float time ) : void
go this
position Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
return void

MoveUpdateLocal() public static method

public static MoveUpdateLocal ( this go, Vector3 position, float time ) : void
go this
position Vector3
time float
return void

PunchPosition() public static method

Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's position and wobbles it back to its initial position.
public static PunchPosition ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

PunchRotation() public static method

Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's rotation and wobbles it back to its initial rotation.
public static PunchRotation ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

PunchScale() public static method

Applies a jolt of force to a GameObject's scale and wobbles it back to its initial scale.
public static PunchScale ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

PutOnPath() public static method

Puts a GameObject on a path at the provided percentage.
public static PutOnPath ( this go, Transform path, float percent ) : void
go this
path Transform /// A ///
percent float /// A ///
return void

PutOnPath() public static method

Puts a GameObject on a path at the provided percentage.
public static PutOnPath ( this go, Vector3 path, float percent ) : void
go this
path Vector3 /// A ///
percent float /// A ///
return void

RotateAdd() public static method

Adds supplied Euler angles in degrees to a GameObject's rotation over time.
public static RotateAdd ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

RotateAdd() public static method

Adds supplied Euler angles in degrees to a GameObject's rotation over time.
public static RotateAdd ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType
return void

RotateAdd() public static method

Adds supplied Euler angles in degrees to a GameObject's rotation over time.
public static RotateAdd ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType
loopType LoopType
return void

RotateBy() public static method

Multiplies supplied values by 360 and rotates a GameObject by calculated amount over time.
public static RotateBy ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

RotateBy() public static method

Multiplies supplied values by 360 and rotates a GameObject by calculated amount over time.
public static RotateBy ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType
return void

RotateBy() public static method

Multiplies supplied values by 360 and rotates a GameObject by calculated amount over time.
public static RotateBy ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType
loopType LoopType
return void

RotateFrom() public static method

Instantly changes a GameObject's Euler angles in degrees then returns it to it's starting rotation over time.
public static RotateFrom ( this go, Vector3 rotation, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
rotation Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

RotateFrom() public static method

Instantly changes a GameObject's Euler angles in degrees then returns it to it's starting rotation over time.
public static RotateFrom ( this go, Vector3 rotation, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void
go this
rotation Vector3
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
return void

RotateFrom() public static method

Instantly changes a GameObject's Euler angles in degrees then returns it to it's starting rotation over time.
public static RotateFrom ( this go, Vector3 rotation, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void
go this
rotation Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
loopType LoopType /// A ///
return void

RotateTo() public static method

Rotates a GameObject to the supplied Euler angles in degrees over time.
public static RotateTo ( this go, Vector3 rotation, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
rotation Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

RotateTo() public static method

Rotates a GameObject to the supplied Euler angles in degrees over time.
public static RotateTo ( this go, Vector3 rotation, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void
go this
rotation Vector3
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
return void

RotateTo() public static method

Rotates a GameObject to the supplied Euler angles in degrees over time.
public static RotateTo ( this go, Vector3 rotation, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void
go this
rotation Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
loopType LoopType /// A ///
return void

RotateUpdate() public static method

Similar to RotateTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values. Does not utilize an EaseType.
public static RotateUpdate ( this go, Vector3 rotation, float time ) : void
go this
rotation Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
return void

ScaleAdd() public static method

Adds to a GameObject's scale over time.
public static ScaleAdd ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

ScaleAdd() public static method

Adds to a GameObject's scale over time.
public static ScaleAdd ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
return void

ScaleAdd() public static method

Adds to a GameObject's scale over time.
public static ScaleAdd ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
loopType LoopType /// A ///
return void

ScaleBy() public static method

Multiplies a GameObject's scale over time.
public static ScaleBy ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

ScaleBy() public static method

/// Multiplies a GameObject's scale over time.
public static ScaleBy ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
return void

ScaleBy() public static method

Multiplies a GameObject's scale over time.
public static ScaleBy ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
loopType LoopType /// A ///
return void

ScaleFrom() public static method

public static ScaleFrom ( this go, Vector3 scale, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
scale Vector3
time float
delay float
return void

ScaleFrom() public static method

Instantly changes a GameObject's scale then returns it to it's starting scale over time.
public static ScaleFrom ( this go, Vector3 scale, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void
go this
scale Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
return void

ScaleFrom() public static method

Instantly changes a GameObject's scale then returns it to it's starting scale over time.
public static ScaleFrom ( this go, Vector3 scale, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void
go this
scale Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
loopType LoopType /// A ///
return void

ScaleTo() public static method

Changes a GameObject's scale over time.
public static ScaleTo ( this go, Vector3 scale, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
scale Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

ScaleTo() public static method

Changes a GameObject's scale over time.
public static ScaleTo ( this go, Vector3 scale, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType ) : void
go this
scale Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
return void

ScaleTo() public static method

Changes a GameObject's scale over time.
public static ScaleTo ( this go, Vector3 scale, float time, float delay, EaseType easeType, LoopType loopType ) : void
go this
scale Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
easeType EaseType /// A ///
loopType LoopType /// A ///
return void

ScaleUpdate() public static method

Similar to ScaleTo but incredibly less expensive for usage inside the Update function or similar looping situations involving a "live" set of changing values. Does not utilize an EaseType.
public static ScaleUpdate ( this go, Vector3 scale, float time ) : void
go this
scale Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
return void

ShakePosition() public static method

Randomly shakes a GameObject's position by a diminishing amount over time.
public static ShakePosition ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

ShakeRotation() public static method

Randomly shakes a GameObject's rotation by a diminishing amount over time.
public static ShakeRotation ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void
go this
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

ShakeScale() public static method

Randomly shakes a GameObject's scale by a diminishing amount over time.
public static ShakeScale ( this go, Vector3 amount, float time, float delay ) : void
go this /// A ///
amount Vector3 /// A ///
time float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void

Stab() public static method

Plays an AudioClip once based on supplied volume and pitch and following any delay. AudioSource is optional as iTween will provide one.
public static Stab ( this go, AudioClip audioClip, float volume, float pitch, float delay ) : void
go this
audioClip UnityEngine.AudioClip /// A ///
volume float /// A ///
pitch float /// A ///
delay float /// A ///
return void