C# Class WarpTransport, gmap377_leathGloves_inc

Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
Mostrar archivo Open project: bi3mer/gmap377_leathGloves_inc

Public Properties

Property Type Description
destinationWarpPad GameObject
onEffect ParticleSystem
planetBosses GameObject[]
shakeIntensity float
transportDelaySeconds float
warpToPlanetName string

Public Methods

Method Description
ActivateTeleport ( ) : void

Plays the particle effect

DeactivateTeleport ( ) : void

Stops the particle effect

DisableBosses ( ) : void
EnableBosses ( ) : void
OnApplicationQuit ( ) : void

Unsubscribe the events!

OnDestroy ( ) : void
OnTriggerStay ( Collider collider ) : void

When the player stays within the collider, call this to teleport the player

Start ( ) : void

Subscribe to activate and deactivate, and initialize the particle effect

Private Methods

Method Description
TransportAfterTime ( ) : IEnumerator

Delays for transportDelaySeconds then moves the player and re-enables the ForceMover script

Method Details

ActivateTeleport() public method

Plays the particle effect
public ActivateTeleport ( ) : void
return void

DeactivateTeleport() public method

Stops the particle effect
public DeactivateTeleport ( ) : void
return void

DisableBosses() public method

public DisableBosses ( ) : void
return void

EnableBosses() public method

public EnableBosses ( ) : void
return void

OnApplicationQuit() public method

Unsubscribe the events!
public OnApplicationQuit ( ) : void
return void

OnDestroy() public method

public OnDestroy ( ) : void
return void

OnTriggerStay() public method

When the player stays within the collider, call this to teleport the player
public OnTriggerStay ( Collider collider ) : void
collider Collider The object that entered the trigger
return void

Start() public method

Subscribe to activate and deactivate, and initialize the particle effect
public Start ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

destinationWarpPad public_oe property

public GameObject destinationWarpPad
return GameObject

onEffect public_oe property

public ParticleSystem onEffect
return ParticleSystem

planetBosses public_oe property

public GameObject[] planetBosses
return GameObject[]

shakeIntensity public_oe property

public float shakeIntensity
return float

transportDelaySeconds public_oe property

public float transportDelaySeconds
return float

warpToPlanetName public_oe property

public string warpToPlanetName
return string