C# Class Telemetry

Reports anonymous usage through ApplicationInsights
Mostrar archivo Open project: madskristensen/Packman Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Initialize ( DTE2 dte, string version, string telemetryKey ) : void

Initializes the telemetry client.

Initialize ( IServiceProvider serviceProvider, string version, string telemetryKey ) : void

Initializes the telemetry client.

TrackEvent ( string key, string>.IDictionary properties = null ) : void

Tracks an event to ApplicationInsights.

TrackException ( Exception ex ) : void

Tracks any exception.

Method Details

Initialize() public static method

Initializes the telemetry client.
public static Initialize ( DTE2 dte, string version, string telemetryKey ) : void
dte DTE2
version string
telemetryKey string
return void

Initialize() public static method

Initializes the telemetry client.
public static Initialize ( IServiceProvider serviceProvider, string version, string telemetryKey ) : void
serviceProvider IServiceProvider
version string
telemetryKey string
return void

TrackEvent() public static method

Tracks an event to ApplicationInsights.
public static TrackEvent ( string key, string>.IDictionary properties = null ) : void
key string
properties string>.IDictionary
return void

TrackException() public static method

Tracks any exception.
public static TrackException ( Exception ex ) : void
ex Exception
return void