C# Class SoundEffectManager

Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
Mostrar archivo Open project: caffeinatedguy/Limbs Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
soundEffectDefinitions SoundEffectDefinition[]

Public Methods

Method Description
Play ( AudioClip audioClip ) : void

Play the given audio clip.

Play ( SoundEffectType soundEffectType ) : void

Play the requested sound effect.

Private Methods

Method Description
Awake ( ) : void

Initialize script state.

Method Details

Play() public method

Play the given audio clip.
public Play ( AudioClip audioClip ) : void
audioClip UnityEngine.AudioClip Audio clip to play.
return void

Play() public method

Play the requested sound effect.
public Play ( SoundEffectType soundEffectType ) : void
soundEffectType SoundEffectType Sound effect to play.
return void

Property Details

soundEffectDefinitions public_oe property

Collection of sound effects and audio clips.
public SoundEffectDefinition[] soundEffectDefinitions
return SoundEffectDefinition[]