C# Class ServerLink, goalBall

Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
connector Connector,
gameManagerIP string
networkManager NetworkManager_Custom,

Public Methods

Method Description
ConnectToServer ( ) : void

Attempts to join the GGM with the given IP

OnApplicationQuit ( ) : void

When the game is closed, let the GGM know you are leaving

Update ( ) : void

Log any messages received from server and handle special logic for commands received

Method Details

ConnectToServer() public method

Attempts to join the GGM with the given IP
public ConnectToServer ( ) : void
return void

OnApplicationQuit() public method

When the game is closed, let the GGM know you are leaving
public OnApplicationQuit ( ) : void
return void

Update() public method

Log any messages received from server and handle special logic for commands received
public Update ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

connector public_oe property

public Connector, connector
return Connector,

gameManagerIP public_oe property

public string gameManagerIP
return string

networkManager public_oe property

public NetworkManager_Custom, networkManager
return NetworkManager_Custom,