C# Class BreakTimer, goalBall

Stops the action for a specific amount of time and conveys necessary information for the given type of break
Inheritance: NetworkBehaviour
Mostrar archivo Open project: DrexelGoalBall/goalBall Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
ball GameObject
breakText Text

Public Methods

Method Description
OnBreak ( ) : bool

Allows outside scripts to check if there is a break occurring

StartBreak ( GameBreak, type ) : void

On the server, initiate the given type of break

Private Methods

Method Description
BreakChange ( bool breakStarted ) : void

On the clients, change the break flag and the ball constraints accordingly

EndBreak ( ) : void

On the server, end the current break

Start ( ) : void

Retrieve the necessary object and script references

Update ( ) : void

Checks if the break has ended or displays the amount of time left on the current break

Method Details

OnBreak() public method

Allows outside scripts to check if there is a break occurring
public OnBreak ( ) : bool
return bool

StartBreak() public method

On the server, initiate the given type of break
public StartBreak ( GameBreak, type ) : void
type GameBreak, The type of break that is necessary to start
return void

Property Details

ball public_oe property

public GameObject ball
return GameObject

breakText public_oe property

public Text breakText
return Text