TestApp.Commands |
TestApp.Common |
TestApp.Droid |
TestApp.IoC |
TestApp.PCL |
TestApp.Properties |
TestApp.Views |
TestApp.WinRT |
TestApp.Wpf |
TestApp.iOS |
Name | Description |
App | Provides application-specific behavior to supplement the default Application class. |
AppbarColorPickerTest | A basic page that provides characteristics common to most applications. |
AutomationApi | |
BasePerformanceTest | |
BlankPage | |
CachingPerformanceTest | |
CachingPerformanceTest.Datum | |
ConsoleLogger | |
CorrectnessTests | |
ExtensibilityTests | |
Form1 | |
Form1.FormLog | |
FormTest | |
HexColorPickerTest | A basic page that provides characteristics common to most applications. |
Launcher | |
LicenseInitializer | Initialize ArcObjects runtime environment for this application |
MainForm | |
MainPage | |
MainPage.Answer | |
MessageBox | |
Messenger | |
NAudioDecodingTests | |
OpenTKStreamingTest | |
Program | |
Program.FakeConnection | |
RavenConfig | |
RobustnessTests | |
RouteConfig | |
SamplePage | |
SamplePageImage | |
SamplePageListView | |
SamplePageTableView | |
SamplePageViewModel | |
ServerMsgSet | |
ServerSocket | |
Site_Mobile | |
SocialProxy | |
StateObject | |
StressTests | |
SyslogServer | |
TcpServer | |
TcpState | |
TestApp | |
TestClass | |
TestDto | |
UdpServer | |
UdpState | |
ViewSwitcher | |
WebForm1 |