C# (CSharp) SevenSoftware.Windows.Dialogs.TaskDialog Namespace


Name Description
NativeTaskDialog Encapsulates the native logic required to create, configure, and show a TaskDialog, via the TaskDialogIndirect() Win32 function.
TaskDialogBar Defines a common class for all task dialog bar controls, such as the progress and marquee bars.
TaskDialogButton Implements a button that can be hosted in a task dialog.
TaskDialogButtonBase Defines the abstract base class for task dialog buttons. Classes that inherit from this class will inherit the Text property defined in this class.
TaskDialogControl Declares the abstract base class for all custom task dialog controls.
TaskDialogDefaults The task dialog defaults
TaskDialogProgressBar Provides a visual representation of the progress of a long running operation.
TaskDialogRadioButton Defines a radio button that can be hosted in by a TaskDialog object.
TaskDialogTickEventArgs The event data for a TaskDialogTick event.